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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 01:50 AM
    That is only because CDMA had such a jump on GSM in the USA, and the GSM carriers in the USA are still smaller. Verizon also has a massive analog network that T-Mobile won't touch as their phones are GSM only.

    Unfortunately, the free market approach adopted when installing networks in the USA has led to a number of problems, and while you might think Verizon service is good relative to the other US carriers, it cannot compare to the carriers in Europe who use a shared GSM network that was adopted after much deliberation. Like most of the world, we are GSM-only.

    That's why I'm switching from VZW to T-Mobile!

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  • Uragon
    Apr 25, 10:33 AM
    Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.

    Welcome to the future guys. :mad:

    Why suddenly use the words "we" and "us"? You been a very anti (any) apple products and simply calls anyone not in agreement with you as fanbois.

    Maybe you ought to change your name that befits you, Full of -aps.

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  • syklee26
    Sep 15, 06:22 PM
    I ordered my MBP today... the ship date isn't until the 20th? It said 24 hours on the site...

    A clue?


    well that means maybe MBP is getting an upgrade next tuesday.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 12:04 PM
    I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.

    Just say what screen resolution you would like.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 18, 04:19 PM
    Call me crazy, but I think this might lend creedence to the thought that iPhone 5 will come out this summer...

    How are these connected?

    Well I've been thinking that Apple really wants to show the world, investors, etc, that it can still keep secrets after the i4 debacle last year. I think its possible they have changed suppliers in an atempt to stop the leaks. They might also be fueling the disinformation campaign that puts the 5 in October.

    The fact that they are now suing Samsung, and waited this long, might give validity to this theory, as they did not want to sue them while Sammy was still a key supplier for them.

    Something to think about.

    You are crazy. If anything, this might indicate that iPhone 5 will be delayed for a year or two. Apple will have to build it's own factories for LCD panels, RAM and flash memory chips.

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  • vigilant
    Mar 30, 07:54 PM
    That looks amazing. I was hoping we might see a little more of the iPad's influence exert itself in places like the calendar.

    I violated my own rule and installed Lion mid-project so I haven't had a lot of opportunity to mess with it all that much at this point, so I don't know if I like it or not. iCal tries to look like the iPad version but it feels like it falls flat on quick look.

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  • polaris20
    Apr 18, 04:08 PM
    There are several ways to lose a patent. One way is not to defend it. Another ways is trying to defend bogus patents and have the court invalidate it.

    That's true, but in this case the similarities are so close I'd hardly call it bogus.

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  • benhollberg
    Nov 5, 11:13 AM
    So I just installed this and I ran it but I want a little more information about it. There is a feature called on-access scanning which I assume runs the application in the background (even after I quit it?) and so I am curious if t actually runs and if it does will it decrease my battery faster and slow down my computer then I am doing intense tasks? I really and just curious if it is worth it to have that feature on, I could be totally wrong. I currently have disabled it.

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 21, 06:52 PM
    I don't see this replacing the Mac Pro Tower. I see it as another solution within the Mac Pro family aimed at the Final Cut Pro Market where the use of several 3U Form Factor Systems would be used for Distributed Compiling/Rendering, etc.

    It would be clearly also targeted for Engineering, Medical, Bio-sciences, etc where using OpenCL and GCD in their apps would provide a huge collection of streams/cores to leverage.

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 25, 10:08 AM
    Hilarious that the email sender said a DROID won't track him...hahahah so funny... as if a "GOOGLE" phone doesn't track their Android user's every move... This isn't really a iPhone matter, its a matter of all smartphones, with maybe a little exception for blackberry's. It's really nothing new... Google even has a stored database for random screen-caps it takes on all its Android users at any time.

    Android, WinMo, Symbian, WebOS, etc. openness makes them the most vulnerable, easiest targets of all.
    The iPhone is more secure in this sense, as it's locked. Not impossible to break, but at least difficult.

    We would need to go back to the days of the old flip-phone with no application capabilities: no symbian, no java, nothing!

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  • 425
    Mar 27, 03:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I just forked over 750 dollars for an ipad 2 and ipad 3 is coming out? Ouch!!! I already want it.

    No. I wish this stupid rumor would die. I guarantee you the iPad 3 does not arrive until 2012. Most likely March

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  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 04:29 PM
    Repeating myself ...

    I find this approach highly irrational. If you're overweight, it's important to lose fat. It does no good whatsoever to treat brain the same as fat ... to treat vital organs the same as fat ... to treat limbs and digits the same as fat.

    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find. At this point in our financial situation, I agree with across the board cuts. After that, then you continue to cut, where it makes sense, surgically.

    The Democrats agreed to historic spending cuts. Where are the Republicans who agree to tax increases?

    That's crap and you know it.

    According to a Congressional Budget Office comparison, the bill would produce only $350 million in tangible savings this year, partly because cuts in domestic programs were offset by an increase of about $5 billion for Pentagon programs.

    When projected emergency contingency spending overseas is figured in by the budget office, estimated outlays for this year actually increase by over $3 billion.

    The agreement does put the brakes on what had been a steady growth in spending by federal agencies. Future savings would be greater as the cuts took hold — a point Republican aides emphasized by noting that the plan is estimated to cut spending by $312 billion over the next decade.

    Link (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/us/politics/14congress.html?_r=2&hp)

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  • Jape
    Dec 3, 02:18 PM
    did you ever hear back from BLT??

    I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.

    No I haven't heard back, I sent them another email this morning but they haven't replied

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  • Loge
    Aug 7, 04:16 PM
    SO in the Paris expo is where we'll most likely see updated MBP? :confused:

    They don't need a special event for what will most likely just be an updated processor.

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  • dhc
    Nov 26, 10:47 AM
    I see this being used as the interface remote for iTV. As a full-blown PDA device, no.

    I think this is likely, too, though I'm sure it would have additional functionality that has yet been discussed.

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  • Oilbrnr
    Apr 7, 11:39 AM
    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    Too funny. :rolleyes:

    I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.

    Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.

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  • BC2009
    Apr 7, 11:46 AM
    If the demand for touch panels increases then the manufacturers of touch panels will rejoice and expand their business thus increasing the supply. The real problem here is that RIM probably wants terms on touch panel production that are not all-too-inspiring to the manufacturers to warrant expansion. For example, Apple is confident that they will sell X units of iPads in Y units in 2012, and so on. So Apple prepays for what they need.

    RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.

    Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).

    If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.

    EDIT: I failed to make it clear, but I do hope that touch panel production expands for RIM and others to get the supply they need. I like Apple having competitors because Apple tends to take the good things competition comes up with and add them as line items to their proactive project plans. I don't believe that competition drives Apple (certainly not in the way that Apple's actions or Apple's critics are basically driving the competitions plans). Apple is a bit more proactive, but when they have a worthy competitor, Apple certainly picks up on any "good" ideas the competition has had that happen to fit with their long-term plans. I also applaud RIM and HP for not going the "me-too" Android/Honeycomb route. There is something to be said for not selling out to a third-party on software.

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  • Neo Utopia
    Apr 24, 07:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Can't wait, a MBA with double the res, drawl.

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  • -aggie-
    May 3, 06:18 PM
    holy smokes these games are intimidating to play....

    here I am thinking the basic werewolves games were hard lol

    We�ve never had a game like this before, so you shouldn�t let this put you off.

    if we explore is that our move and then the villain makes his? Or if we pick a door would this be a way to avoid the villain�s traps, since he may have put one in the room we�re in?

    Sep 15, 06:13 PM
    So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?

    Reliable or not, I guess this is a good news for many of us waiting for the C2D MBP. If it proved reliable, I think MacRumors should pay more attention to check their updates in the future. ;)

    I was about to think of that as "another crappy site?" but then I thought, hey, everyone have their own sources that you could never imagine, like one of the posts right before Sept 12th event claiming to know the entire agenda, and he's pretty accurate, no?

    Mar 26, 10:49 PM
    means nothing
    people are reading too much into that slide

    Saves him an email.

    Nov 3, 10:39 AM
    lol $120.

    Apr 25, 03:27 AM
    If this is true, I'd be a little pissed lol. I just traded up from my two 23" ACD's for two 24" LED LCD's.

    Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.

    Don't bet on it!

    Apple is clearly a consumer based company now.. it could care less about the small niche of the mac pro. iMac? Yes, mac mini? Yes, the laptops? Yes, mac pro? NO.

    Aug 2, 10:58 AM
    I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.

    You see, Apple always wants to make sure that everyone knows exactly what's in the spotlight at any given time. Right now it's the MacBook and Wireless Mighty Mouse. Before that it was the Mac mini and the iPod Hi-Fi. Before that, the MacBook Pro and iMac. Before that, the iPod nano/video.

    Apple isn't going to all of a sudden roll out an OS preview, three new computers, and a new iPod.

    EDIT: And oh yeah. Apple is also not going to roll out two iPods and a phone for the holiday season. I have my money on MWSF for the phone.