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Thursday, May 19, 2011

i love you mom cards

i love you mom cards. Tags: love you mom chocolate.
  • Tags: love you mom chocolate.

  • 0815
    Apr 5, 03:00 PM
    (throw out Android tablet and iOS tablet as those are different categories and distort reality).

    I guess you mean they disturb your view of the world .... ;)

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  • andythursby
    Apr 18, 05:22 PM
    Despite the design differences mentioned earlier and massive difference in size they're identical then?

    What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?

    Lol you're either blind or anti apple. The galaxy tab looks like a knockoff, plain and simple. As laguna (not leguna like you wrongly typed) said, there are MANY other android phones that look different enough, like the HTC ones and the motorola ones.

    You didn't really provide any significant 'design differences' and massively different in size?! Lol.

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  • i love you mom cards.

  • Consultant
    Mar 29, 08:51 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Arn, we need an article that Apple is developing a space ship!

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  • i love you mom cards.

  • milo
    Sep 11, 01:14 PM
    The only things comin out are the Video Rental service, and a size increase for the Nano.

    Move along.

    Should we laugh at you now, or wait until the announcment? :rolleyes:

    Rumor has it Steve wasn't able to secure download rights..only rental. Guess we'll find out by this time tomorrow.

    What's your source? Every rumor site I've seen (and especially Appleinsider, which has the best record lately) says sales.

    I want firewire aswell usb 1 is far toooo slow. How my sposed to transfer films with USB, It will take all day.

    With USB2, which transfers to iPod about the same speed as FW.

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  • i love you mom cards.

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:13 PM
    That's right, I'm a customer, and I'll modify my apple device how I see fit


    and that including jailbreaking

    Not really.

    enabling XCode to develop applications for my device without paying apple $99


    At the end of the day - a JB device is more useful than a locked up device.


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  • poppe
    Aug 3, 11:02 PM
    It is sad to have to wait till September... I wanted to show my family my MBP since they've never though of using a Mac until me

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  • mrblah
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    My god thats an expensive computer. It seems like they went all out to try and make the most expensive computer possible. You HAVE to buy a quad Xeon desktop? Why? Some people need a tower for its PCI slots but dont want or need a quad Xeon setup. Cant they release a model that uses a regular processor like a Pentium 4 or whatever and price it for like $1000 cheaper? I guess Apple will continue to leave us middle-end users out in the cold. Mac Minis suck, iMacs dont meet the needs of a lot of people thanks to no PCI slots, Mac Pros only come with a quad Xeon(!?) and well set you back more than a used Honda Accord. Apple went WAY overboard with this thing without offering anything to fill in the gap between iMac and Mac Pro. Freakin hell.

    i love you mom cards. To Say I Love You, Mom!
  • To Say I Love You, Mom!

  • marvel2
    Nov 13, 03:19 PM
    Which leaves the only concern left being clarify of calls.

    I went on a drive on my lunch and received my first call through the TomTom kit today. What I can say is that the speaker clarity was good and the mic picked up my voice suprisingly good for the distance I had it from the driver's seat. I had it mounted on the windshield. However, I did find myself talking a bit louder than normal to ensure the mic would pick up everything, and it did. Throughout the conversation, the person I was talking on the phone with never asked me to repeat anything. I was able to carry on a conversation throughout my drive as I normally would in my car - hands free :p

    The speaker volume on the TomTom kit leaves a little bit to desired in my opinion. I found myself constantly moving the volume switch up, but wasn't sure it was on its highest setting because it isn't a 'dial' type adjuster. Although the speaker was loud enough to hear, I wanted it a little louder. However, this may be because my car does not dampen road noise very well. I'm sure your sedan will be much quiter and the speaker volume will be adequate. The speaker quality is clear enough to hold a conversation.

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  • i love you mom cards. quot;Hi

  • mrsir2009
    May 4, 03:07 PM
    Since when is an operating system an "app"?

    i love you mom cards. Starting to steer loveyou mom
  • Starting to steer loveyou mom

  • applefanDrew
    Apr 25, 08:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't get the big deal about it. If you want to be anonymous, get off fb, twitter, macrumors, etc. Then cancel all Internet plans you have and your cellular plan. Then no one will ever know where you are unless you tell them.

    i love you mom cards. To Say I Love You, Mom!
  • To Say I Love You, Mom!

  • srathi
    Apr 26, 04:05 PM
    Market share and product quality is not always 1:1 :rolleyes:relationship.

    You mean iPhone quality is even worse than what its 25% market share suggests??

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  • i love you mom cards.

  • Plutonius
    May 3, 06:39 PM
    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

    He goes after we have moved and has to anticipate where we are going next.

    i love you mom cards. Doodle Mom I Love You
  • Doodle Mom I Love You

  • thefunkymunky
    Aug 11, 09:49 AM
    My second replacement MBP is currently at the Apple Repair Centre and has been there for the last four weeks. Last update I had was that I need to give Apple another 48 hours to determine what has happened to my machine. If they don't have an answer for me they said they will send me a new one.

    I am meant to call back next Tuesday. I'm thinking about leaving it another few weeks now and then calling. Maybe they'll send me a new Merom MBP by then;)

    i love you mom cards. I love you mom – Happy
  • I love you mom – Happy

  • coolwater
    Apr 9, 05:04 PM
    Depending on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    i love you mom cards. Mom with Love, Love you
  • Mom with Love, Love you

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:23 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

    Well you're among a shrinking crowd statistically.

    i love you mom cards. i love you mom cards.
  • i love you mom cards.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 11, 12:56 PM
    Whats the Paris expo, Never heard of that before, are you sure it exists? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Paris Apple Expo is headl every September in Paris France (http://www.apple-expo.com/uk/). It is the largest European Apple Exposition like the January San Francisco MacWorld Expo is the largest in America.

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  • Ugg
    Apr 7, 06:04 PM
    > And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC"

    Not true. People go with what they know - and Apple/Google are quickly setting the new OS standard for tablets; But do not ignore that's LOTs of people that are familiar with Windows (over 1 billion window users. Are they going to throw that away or find a way to leverage?).

    I think for the first time, computing is morphing into pro and consumer lines. There will always be a need for powerful desktop machines for PhotoShop, making movies, engineering, architecture, etc. They need big monitors, monitors that at this point at least are largely terrestrial. Then there is the mobile business market. The coders, the salespeople, etc. They don't need a massive screen or massive computing power. A laptop works just fine for them. Finally, there's the consumer market. Tablets do almost everything they need. The cloud and mobile broadband provide them all the computing power and storage they need.

    Where does Microsoft fit into this? Their licensing fees are truly exorbitant and there's been a study flow of customers away from MS. No surprise there. They're always playing catchup in regards to Apple and Google. Where is their relevance in today's computing world? I'm having a hard time seeing it outside of a few specialized applications. MS has become IBM.

    I think the thing to note here is that, yes Apple has the power and money to hold down the main supply of the worlds touchscreen panels but we shouldn't go and believe they are doing it JUST to be anti-competative, they are hardly getting enough for themselves. Its not their fault everyone wants an iPad (blame the competition lol) , so at least the panels are getting used :)

    It is ironic that Apple created this market and now is being thrashed because the iPad is selling like gangbusters and so there's simply no extra capacity available to anyone else.

    When the iPad debuted with such low prices, I was convinced that Apple was determined to corner the tablet market. I'm now more convinced than ever, that is Apple's intention. They'd be stupid not to buy up all the component capacity. The iPad is a major hit.

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  • stp2112
    Mar 31, 08:18 AM
    Ok reading through this I see it is getting off track. The new release of Lion is good and stable, a few quirks but not bad, I am running it as my primary OS. Would be nice to see some intelligent posts on here in line with the topic.

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  • LeoNobilis
    Mar 29, 05:03 PM
    Those idiots must stop investing heavily in the asian markets. They are essentially selling their technology to asians, while also squandering immense financial resources on them.

    Apr 5, 02:04 PM
    Only thing more shaky than a JB iPhone is a POS Scion. They deserve each other.

    Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)

    Apr 10, 07:25 PM
    Mathematica 8. As far as I am concerned the most powerful math software available. People don't shell out thousands of dollars for a product that can't do basic math.


    May 8, 05:36 PM
    This has never happened

    I meant it might happen, it's just a thought.

    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    A 2.66GHz CPU is about $400 more expensive than a 2.0GHz, BTO only takes $300 off, so the base config is the best choice. There is a gap, no single processor mac pro, not like Apple's sale strategy. Either Cornore mac pro or iMac will be great.

    No, it's "TWO 2.66GHz CPUs are about $800 more expensive than TWO 2.0GHz.....".

    Jul 29, 08:42 PM
    Finally, a phone that might be able to iSync with my Mac.