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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

hairstyles 2011 long bob

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 5, 01:42 PM
    Honestly, I hope Toyota tells Apple to stuff it.

    same here.

    Apple should look at this as something that clearly shows what people want an add that to iOS and let people theme it.

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 27, 05:56 AM
    Going to be fun on my 500MB data limit.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 02:40 AM
    Should you distribute first?

    no you do this....

    1) (9+3)=12
    2) 48/2=24
    3) 24*12=288

    Multiplication does NOT take precedence over division

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  • Plutonius
    May 4, 04:30 PM
    I'm glad we finally started moving :).

    We might as well keep moving forward through the door at the end of the hallway.

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  • na1577
    Mar 26, 11:39 PM
    And, why would they sell iPhone 5 without iOS 5? Thats just ... :confused:

    Well it's not unprecedented. The iPad 2 shipped with iOS 4.3, which added support for the device and its new features, but not much else.

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  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Apr 10, 02:42 AM
    Oh really? Wow I didn't know that... Sarcasm.

    I'm talking about on a calculator. Enter it EXACTLY how it was in the OP and you'll get 288.

    Looks like your sarcasm is on par with you math. When you have to explain sarcasm, it's not really sarcastic.

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  • l008com
    Jul 29, 09:11 PM
    I tell my close friends everything. I doubt his friends signed an NDA. Small leaks snowball quickly.

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  • Moyank24
    Mar 26, 10:53 PM
    sounds plausible, but i really don't see iPad 3 coming out any time this year. it's way too soon

    I agree. The only situation I can see where this would be a possibility is if one of the "iPad killers" actually did kill the iPad 2. And they came out with specs that just absolutely blew it away. But I just don't see that happening. It looks like the iPad 2 and the Xoom are coexisting just fine.

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  • MacNut
    May 3, 06:13 PM
    Our highway exits are distanced usually by a mile. Changing the system would really mess that up unless we reconstruct all the exit ramps.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 4, 10:23 AM
    I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in the iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook Pro line and before Xmas in everything else.

    If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.

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  • blow45
    May 6, 04:45 AM
    Apple even made the bold move to take ARM processor design in house with the acquisition P.A. Semi and Intrinsity.

    That's just shoddy reporting. Apple did have a lot of arm brains in their vslr teams, they just added talent, nothing more, nothing less. And A4 and 5 are rumoured to be more the work of the existing team, than anyone from pa semi.

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  • cwwilson
    May 7, 12:07 PM
    Can it be free some time in the next...Week or so? They're about to charge my card, but I do want to keep using the service. $99 is a bit much but Find My iPhone is practically worth it alone.

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  • arn
    May 6, 12:21 AM
    At this point, pure rumor, not even vaporware, as vaporware implies the company has actually announced something.

    ARM does have chips that can compete at the very lowest end of x86, such as with the chips presently running Netbooks. But it doesn't have anything even remotely competitive with the mainstream chips. (To use names: They compete with Atom, not with Core.)

    to be fair, the rumor puts this out 2 years, and ARM does have higher-end chips planned.


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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 30, 10:19 AM
    iChat + Address Book for Windows (one app). Firstly I think the phone itself will be called "iPod Phone" as the trademark for iPhone is already taken, Apple would want to make it clear that it has iPod functionality, it's the next obvious choice for its name, and it's a very Apple thing to do. Right that's settled.

    Now how will it integrate with Mac's and PC's? Simple, iChat 4.0 will have the Address Book built-in, maybe a calander/scheduler apps functionality too and it will go Windows, as iTunes did. Mac users will get their photos from iPhoto, and Windows user from the Windows *equivalent. Contacts from iChat4, schedules form iChat4, music from iTunes, photos from photo apps. Job done that's iChat and the iPod Phone covered.

    Please note: the above is wild speculation ;)
    *may not be equivalent:D

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  • Howdr
    Apr 5, 02:29 PM
    Yes they can. There is no protection under law for making money off the ineptitude of other companies. Apple is entitled, and expected to fix bugs. When those bugs get fixed, an avenue for jail breaking gets closed. Companies that see their revenue stream dry up are just screwed. That's life.

    Jail breaking happens because Apple screwed the pooch on security. That's all.

    Thats the problem you missed

    restraint of trade,

    Apple would take Microsoft or any other company to court in o.0005 seconds if restraint of trade was against them.

    Jail breaking is ruled legal by the federal government

    Cydia and theme it require Jailbreaking to sell the apps they have.

    Cydia and theme it are legally selling apps

    Apple then goes after Jailbreaking and restrains Cydia and theme it from doing legal trade

    This is not a legal act by Apple, so they say its patching for security reasons ( A lie)

    You call it security yet the doorway used to jailbreak the Iphone or Ipad has never been used for anything else then Jailbreaking.

    Your using an Apple company tactic of telling us its unsafe, you work for apple or believe the unsupported claims by Apple.

    Apple believes it looses money from Jailbreaking because these people now buy from other sources than Apple's app store.

    I find it sad that so many believe what ever Apple says is the truth.

    Apple is a multi billion dollar company that needs to make money all the time off of you. they need your money and undying loyalty. :apple:

    ( I know people will not agree with my take on this, its fine, I hate big corporations and how they lie to us, look at the Japanese and the lies from the power company, it happens again and again everyday)

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  • synagence
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    Seems nonsensical that people are interpreting the annoucement as foregoing iPhone5 reveal...

    The conference is a week long event and the opening keynote sets the scene for whatever focus it is but overall its a one hour presentation to kick off not the whole damn thing

    Just because the focus is iOS/OSX for the conference doesn't mean Apple will stray from an established release cycle and do the simple reveal .... they simply can't afford to with the market competition starting to get significant market share.

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  • Frazzle
    Nov 5, 05:15 AM
    If Apple made this carkit themselves, I bet that everyone here would accept the price with no questions asked.

    I'm glad that this device is not selling in Europe for the usual Apple rate of 1 dollar = 1 euro.

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  • japasneezemonk
    May 8, 01:54 AM
    I've had mobile me for a good while and like it. I use it to sync omnifocus, etc... iDisk is nice, but I still use dropbox. I have used it to find my iphone more than once and it's OK but not great, unless it can tell me exactly where my phone is it's still aggravating to know it's in my house, but where? I guess I'm being too picky though. Oh, syncing my MBP to my iMac is definitely a huge timesaver. I would think most people can do with free services, however, for Me it's a awesome. I didn't pay full price for my family plan, so that was nice too, usually if your buying a new laptop or desktop at the Apple Store you can get them to throw in MobileMe and AppleCare for almost nothing.

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  • Long hair is considered as one

  • heesey1010
    Jul 21, 08:59 PM
    I hope Meroms end up in MBs by the end of this year

    And this is a little off-topic, but is it too late to speculate a release date for any other products? Only thing I can speculate is that something might be released in/around September, because the Mac + iPod rebate ends September 16th, and if anyone recalls last year, the Nano was intro'd in September.

    I think it's too early for updated MBs, but I wish there'd be some. Either that, or cheaper MBPs with Merom.

    Dec 28, 02:54 PM
    Does this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
    So many conflicting opinions.

    Some think, including myself, that AV software at this point in time does not provide very much extra protection so using AV software is just a waste of system resources.

    But, I use ClamXav anyway given that it uses very little cpu cycles. ClamXav does fail to release RAM after a scan but should give up those resources if needed by another process. ClamXav only chronically uses these resources if you set up the Sentry. If the Sentry is not used, then it only uses resources during an on-demand scan. On-demand scans can be set to run automatically at a specific time via the ClamXav UI that adds the scan settings to cron. ClamXav gives you more options related to how it will take up resources. Other AV software, such as Sophos, for Mac includes full on-access scanning that doesn't give you choice in how resources are used by the AV software.

    I use AV software to prevent accidentally spreading Windows malware to Windows users. There are trojans for Mac OS X but these can be easily avoided by not password authenticating install prompts that you have not explicitly initiated (double clicked), not installing pirated software, and not installing free software from untrusted sources. Also, Mac OS X, as of Snow Leopard, includes a basic AV scanner that detects these trojans when you attempt to install the malware.

    Do not run AV software if you do not want to give up resources to most likely only prevent the accidental spread of Windows malware, such as by forwarding an infected email. Or, run AV software most likely for little benefit to yourself. Additionally, ClamXav does include new definitions for Mac malware a fair bit of time prior to those definitions being included in XProtect (the AV scanner in Snow Leopard). Also, XProtect can not be used for an on-demand scan to check for malware after it may have been installed, so AV software may give you peace of mind if you do not feel comfortable not having AV software on your system.

    Apr 7, 12:13 PM
    Apple is extremely proactive. Which means they have a plan in place. When competition does something good that fits with their plans, then Apple can add it as a line item to their existing plans and assign it to a specific iOS release.

    The competition on the other hand is defining their plans and goals completely based on what Apple does or what Apple's critics are saying. They do not have a very long-term vision of where they want to be and are by-and-large reactionary to what Apple is doing.

    I will say that Google does indeed have a long-term vision, but not for Android's features. Google's long-term vision is to do anything they can to ensure they sit in between the user and the information on the Internet so they can advertise to them. They see Facebook as a major threat in this regard as well as Apple. Google's long-term plans are being disrupted by these other major players. Android/Honeycomb is a reactionary attempt to correct for some of that.

    The day Apple starts competing against other companies is the day Apple products will stagnate. Apple does best when they compete against themselves. You don't win by doing what others do; You win by remaping the industry. (Perhaps Google and RIM need to stop competing against Apple and do something different.)

    Aug 7, 04:24 PM
    It's almost exactly what I was looking for. I am a student and semi-proffessional artist, the Imac didn't cut it, hd's to slow in macbook pro for video work, and only expandable to 2 gigs of ram for both. the dual 2.0 config will be perfect for running photoshop off of rossetta, FCP, after effects, solid works in bootcamp. Good pricepoint, the dual 2.0 in canadian student discount is close to 50bucks more than the old dual 2.0 OMG WTF. but I was kind of hoping for front row for those nights of book reading and listening to radiohead while stoned, so I dont have to get up if a less ambient song comes on

    Alex Urchin
    Nov 22, 01:22 AM
    Wasn't it exactly the same story with the iPod?

    Jul 31, 12:32 AM
    " While I'm sure if it is true..."

    it is true, i saw a add for it in a magazine. it gave the website: www.iphone.org,
    but when i typed that in, all it gave me was the apple website with the .org URL. and its not a flip phone. its made by Sony Ericson. I believe this is why an Apple logo showed up on that one thing Sony was showing.

    i saw the real one on the back pages of a "MacBook" magazine. would have bought it, but it was $30.http://www.ipodnoticias.com/uploaded_images/iphone-701958.jpg
    it was this add

    Wasn't this pic circulating as a fake some time back...