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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait

queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. Anon, Elizabeth Coronation
  • Anon, Elizabeth Coronation

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 24, 09:13 PM
    Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?

    What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?

    This is for a development in the future and the cost may not go up.

    Apple usually outwaits developments until the cost fall into their range.

    BTW: I do find it funny that you want to fault Apple for "gaming" a field that they clearly did not want to be in.

    BTW2: The iMac for the masses is a clever space saving design. Their sales success shows it!
    The Pro type tower boxes with separate monitor are just big clunky boxes.
    They take up desk space or are usually hidden under the desk.

    Also, in any good design Form follows Function. Apple follows that principle well and then some.

    The secret of excellent design is actually what is not there:-)

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. of Queen Elizabeth II from
  • of Queen Elizabeth II from

  • casik
    Mar 26, 10:09 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    They just need to bring the ability to edit photos from my aperture/iphoto library on my ipad, while syncing those changes back to Mac after!

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • ViviUO
    Apr 23, 07:08 PM
    I really REALLY hope they do not use that ugly picture as the default background when Lion is retail.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 30, 07:37 PM
    I have Verizon, my wife T-Mobile. T-Mobile works fine in New York City, and so does Verizon. Especially in the past year Verizon has spent literally a fortune improving their reception, so that dead spots are much fewer than they used to be. I believe this is why they ignore "cool" phones, they are going for reliability with companies who buy in bulk for their employees, not really for consumers - go to a Verizon store if you want to be convinced they don't really care about the common man -

    but what I am trying to say is, that I disagree about reception of Verizon: it's very good, and especially so outside of the major business cities like NYC and Washington. My wife's T-Mobile often is out of range when we travel, and we have to use my Verizon phone.

    That said, Verizon rarely, with the exception of the recent Treo 700p, gets the really cool phones, so will probably bypass Apple as well.

    I do agree that Verizon does not care about the layman, but I never get very good service here in Denver or if I visit my sisters in the bay area. I don't know why, but I just never get three bars or above usually at my house. Whenever I go to NYC, I spend most, if not all my time in Times Square and it just seems to constantly go in and out. I think T-Mobile is actually the best choice when it comes to international travel. Sprint is $1.50/min. and didn't even work in Rome, T-Mobile is $.99/min., and let's not even think about VZW's plans. T-Mobile worked for me from Here to LAX to TPE to SIN to KUL to even REP. Besides, they have a better minutes/dollar ratio than any of the other three major carriers and the coverage checker I checked works in every city I visit normally which are NYC, the Lamorinda Area, Vail, Boston, Denver (my home), and of course, everywhere else in the world.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • Peace
    Jul 30, 12:23 PM
    The latest iPod firmware has references to phone signal strength etc.
    Apple purchased a very large data center capable of uplink/downlink communications a few months ago.
    Oppenheimer alluded to Apple working on a cell phone in the Q3 conference call.

    I'd say the evidence is there for a "type" of cell phone coming soon from Apple.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • iGuess
    Nov 27, 04:30 AM
    There's way to many naysayers on this site. I've been a MacRumors reader for many years. It's because of this forum that I had finally switched to the Mac.

    There are possibilities for a tablet that your standard notebook can not serve. Ever get an email that requires a document to be signed and sent back? Not a problem if you're near a printer and fax/scanner. I get dozens of those a day. Granted that might be a niche requirement because I work in the Real Estate and Mortgage industry.

    There are countless applications though where writting is more natural than typing. Where touching is better suited than point and click.

    I'm a techie. Always have been and always will be. I switched to the Mac because it allows me to do more and worry less! Simple.

    I want a device that I can check email on the go, sign documents, sketch a quick idea, circle an interesting part of an article for someone to look over, browse the web with ease, control my other computers/servers, take a picture and write some notes on it so that someone can get a better idea of what I'm thinking and countless other possibilities I haven't thought of.

    The reality is that what makes technology great isn't just the hardware. It's the software that compliments it! TabletPC's to date haven't done well because you have two companies working on different visions. There's the hardware manufacturer and then there's the software developer. Apple could bring it together with a complimentary OS and application bundle.

    Oh and I haven't read anyone else bring up this method for keyboard entry for those neccessary moments when it just feels better.


    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:21 AM
    News Flash:

    He's a Liar.

    News Flash: You just lied about Steve Jobs.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth 1st portrait.
  • queen elizabeth 1st portrait.

  • twoodcc
    Nov 22, 10:19 AM
    well i can't wait for the new phone. i think it's gonna be a hit.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 10:18 AM
    Jobs reportedly responded, turning the tables...


    Yep, them tables sure were turned because the CEO is in the trenches blessing every line of iOS code that goes into every product. Steve knows best. Rumor dispelled. Next item.

    Seriously... the audacity of Apple in this day and age is mind-boggling. Everything they do lately seems to be a PR nightmare just waiting to happen.
    And yet they rise. And yet they rise.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • mrblack927
    Apr 20, 08:27 AM
    Believe it or not about 1/2 of iPhone 4 owners believe they have a 4g phone.


    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • Jape
    Dec 4, 03:35 PM
    Hey guys I just called BLT and they said that they do not have an updated ETA on when they will be receiving a shipment. It almost makes me want to just go to the apple store and pick one up, it is just so hard to give up on 30% off... sigh.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • iMikeT
    Aug 2, 05:21 PM
    What isn't new?

    This is what I think:

    -Financial report
    -Update report of Macs using Intel processors
    -Update report of universal applications
    -Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) preview

    One more thing......

    -Mac Pro (Intel powered PowerMac) announced. Will ship with Woodcrest. Will ship early-mid September.

    -(Very slim chance of announcement) Intel powered Xserve

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. miley cyrus queen
  • miley cyrus queen

  • acslater017
    Mar 30, 07:28 PM
    Dear Apple

    PLEASE can we have a UI update, even if it's a minor one (for instance, iTunes 10 scrollbars rather than the blue aqua ones). Just some extra polish really.



    They're updating scrollbars, buttons, drop-downs, etc. It's not an "overhaul" per se but we're not gonna get one of those for awhile.

    Quick Look, full-screen windows, Mission Control, Launchpad, etc. I'd say it's a solid update

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • aznguyen316
    May 6, 04:25 AM
    No Intel, no care.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 07:57 AM
    Is that why you bought the iPad? One would think if you have an iPad, you'd already see the error in judgement that you made there. Just because Apple stuff looks cool doesn't mean it's sacrificing function - to the contrary.

    If you've used an iPhone, or iPad, for any period of time you'd know that.

    Other computer makers put wavy lines, green blinking lights and all sorts of other kitsch on their machines - by kitsch I mean design features that have no function, that are there only to look "good".

    When has Apple made a device that didn't work very well??? You'd have to go all the way to the Newton for that. And that happened while Steve Jobs was away, not a co-incidence. Ever since the iPod, it's been hit after hit.

    Well, I think the previous commenter's point has some validity. A great example of this "form over function" is the iMac. Mobile graphics (and poor ones at that), horrendous thermal management, limited stand orientation...but one damn fine looking computer:D Dont get me wrong, Apple does amazing things with their products. (Im obviously a fan :D) But I do think design is paramount to their efforts (not that function ever takes backseat, it just can be slightly lessoned on some releases). Now, IMO...they knocked both form and function out of the park with the iPad 2, iPhone 4, and 2010 MBA. Bravo

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. Queen Elizabeth II of England
  • Queen Elizabeth II of England

  • reachingforsky
    Aug 4, 01:17 PM
    I hope we're all in for surprises at WWDC. Up until then, this is all speculation. It's fun to speculate and to try to be cool by being right, but I hope they knock everyone's socks off with the unexpected.

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. young queen elizabeth
  • young queen elizabeth

  • LxHunter
    Nov 14, 01:50 PM
    Thanks, will stay with Sophos

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth 1 portrait.
  • queen elizabeth 1 portrait.

  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 6, 06:21 PM
    What a joke of a tablet. Nothing but a piece of crap.



    back yo my precious (ipad)

    queen elizabeth ii coronation portrait. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • SC68Cal
    Jul 21, 02:37 PM
    Noooo....must...resist urges to buy...new MBP's

    Just have to keep reminding myself I cant afford these things right now..

    Oh, you can afford it.... it's just that you'll be eating ramen for quite a while.

    Sep 16, 10:34 AM
    Give us back the 12". It�s all I'm asking.

    Apr 20, 10:29 AM
    I would like the same specs but 2x batt life.
    Get a battery pack to charge it at some point. The iPhone 4 is pretty high up on the scale of battery life among smartphones. I don't think it's going to increase because we all seem to be happy with this general battery life area.
    They can keep the form factor, just give us a bigger screen. Stretch it to the bezel.

    That thing is dying for a 4", hell even a 3.7" screen.
    No. Don't stretch to the bezel, unless the bezel is getting bigger, which is the same bloody thing as making a bigger phone. I don't want the screen at the edge of the phone, and nobody makes this, for good reason. You have to be able to hold onto something on the phone. Really.
    This update is not good enough, apple. Do more.

    8 megapixel camera with 1080P recording.

    1080p recording has nothing to do with the camera. It is 2592x1936 on the iPhone 4, so 1080 is possible.
    You're a ****ing idiot. I'm not acting as if I were entitled to anything, I'm just pointing out that a large part of the world doesn't give a crap about 2-year contracts. My upgrade cycle for iPhones is every 12 months, and the same goes for most people I know.
    So, we aren't allowed to talk about contracts? On the internet? Because you might come by and read about it? Yes, that is what "entitlement" is, get over yourself and skip over the posts that don't apply to you. Christ, esp when it is a positive for you.

    Aug 11, 09:16 AM
    Damn, and I just got my new MacBook yesterday

    oh well, I caught the last round of iBook updates last year, and that left me on the bleeding edge for several months. I'll see what it looks like in second place for a while.

    Plus if my MacBook gets lonely and depressed he can talk to my 1st gen PowerMac G5

    (God I need more RAM for the MacBook)


    Sep 15, 11:48 PM
    Hm, I just bought the macbook pro with the intel core duo (1) ... will it be able to run the new lepord or will the speed be hampered? :confused:

    haha you'll be FINE trust me. you bought a very high end laptop and it will happily run leopard. when apple introduces leopard it will want to get as many people as possible to use it, alienating owners of a macbook pro they bought a little over a year ago is not a path they will take.

    Aug 11, 02:05 PM
    I've said all along the imac will get conroe. With woodcrest in the mac pro, I'd say it's pretty well guaranteed. The imac only got a laptop processor because it was the only choice. From here on out it'll get the desktop processor it deserves.

    I also think the macbook will get merom sooner rather than later. The two lines will still be differentiated by size, screen res, casing, backlit keys, dedicated graphics, and express card slot. The macbook needs to compete against PC laptops, not the macbook pro. The processors will pretty similar on the G4 laptops before intel (1.33/1.42 for the ibook, 1.5/1.67 for the powerbook) and yet there were still plenty of compelling reasons to go for the powerbook. Same thing still applies.

    Your rock solid reasoning has won me over. I wasn't sure about what chips would be used where, but I think you have me convinced.

    I just hope the Mini sees an upgrade relatively soon inasmuch as the phantom mid-range tower has yet to materialize. I may have to break down and get the Yonah one.