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Thursday, May 19, 2011

canon rebel xs sample photos

canon rebel xs sample photos. They gave me a Canon Rebel XS
  • They gave me a Canon Rebel XS

  • shigzeo
    Aug 7, 06:03 PM
    Suppose it'd be a bit heretic to buy one of these solely for Windows, right?

    I'd not get a quad Xeon Woodcrest anywhere else for less, and my Athlon 64 just doesn't cut it...

    I like your style. i sold my beloved ibook in order to get a new bicycle which is not good for cs2.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample photos.
  • canon rebel xs sample photos.

  • mdntcallr
    Nov 22, 08:31 AM
    i am sure apple is finding the world of phone carriers complex and difficult.

    The biggest hangup of theirs is probably the sale of media and ringtones. They simply probably do NOT want Apple to provide the solution. Even if Apple's storefront is better, they will not want money going elsewhere.

    that said, Apple's best option here is to simply launch the product themselves. Offer a GSM phone that is unlocked. The phone companies will get a clue later on when people want the product

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon Digital Rebel XS Slide; Canon Digital Rebel XS Slide. bretm. Apr 25, 03:51 PM
  • canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon Digital Rebel XS Slide; Canon Digital Rebel XS Slide. bretm. Apr 25, 03:51 PM

  • beebler
    Apr 20, 12:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Apple is also gunning for the iPad 3 to be released alongside it but I doubt it'll end UO that way.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Sample pics for Canon EOS
  • Sample pics for Canon EOS

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 20, 10:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I want A5 chip, 64 GB, white version.


    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample photos. Rebel XS | Canon 18-55mm; Rebel XS | Canon 18-55mm. ChickenSwartz. Aug 5, 08:24 PM
  • canon rebel xs sample photos. Rebel XS | Canon 18-55mm; Rebel XS | Canon 18-55mm. ChickenSwartz. Aug 5, 08:24 PM

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 2, 11:16 AM
    Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far... I have expectations Apple, don't let me dont please

    Erm... did you miss the whole Intel thing? :rolleyes:

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample pictures
  • canon rebel xs sample pictures

  • 2ndPath
    Aug 7, 06:16 PM
    That brings up a question I was wondering about...since they only offer 1 model that can be customized by Apple...what will the Apple Stores and Authorized Resellers have in stock...Just the base model?

    I was also wondering about that. The stores also have additional configurations of the MacBooks and MacBook Pros available. Probably Apple will have three standard configurations in the Stores. The stores could also just customize the machines for the customers. I don't know how easy it is to switch the CPUs, but all the other components, which can be customized, seem to be easily changable.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon Rebel XS with EF70-300
  • Canon Rebel XS with EF70-300

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 01:27 PM
    so, the obvious thing is to search this room and then eventually split/move.
    everyone agree? Dante?
    where do you guys want to go next? forward or back to start to explore the other doors?

    BoneHead ^uphere^ could have put traps/monster in either, or both.

    Raven, did i assume correctly that new traps and monster can only go in empty rooms (as far as heroes are concerned)? can a room have both a trap and a monster?

    Correct, the villain can only place traps/monsters in empty rooms. Yes, a room can have both a trap and a monster.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample pictures. deutsch Canon rebel xs; deutsch Canon rebel xs. afrowq. Apr 8, 11:03 PM. Coming from a full-time,
  • canon rebel xs sample pictures. deutsch Canon rebel xs; deutsch Canon rebel xs. afrowq. Apr 8, 11:03 PM. Coming from a full-time,

  • 0tim0
    Apr 18, 03:08 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off


    Wow, that does look familiar!

    It looks just like the original Palm UI....

    Maybe HP should sue Samsung instead :rolleyes:


    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample
  • canon rebel xs sample

    Nov 22, 01:33 AM
    It would be fun to speculate what features Apple brings to the iPhone that could revolutionize the cell phone industry? My guess is 1) ease of use in updating contacts, calendar, emails 2) iPod music integration 3) high quality 640x480 mpeg4 videos and 4) leveraging in flash memory pricing

    Ok...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.

    People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample
  • canon rebel xs sample

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 06:29 PM
    Reliable or not, I guess this is a good news for many of us waiting for the C2D MBP. If it proved reliable, I think MacRumors should pay more attention to check their updates in the future. ;)

    I was about to think of that as "another crappy site?" but then I thought, hey, everyone have their own sources that you could never imagine, like one of the posts right before Sept 12th event claiming to know the entire agenda, and he's pretty accurate, no?

    As originally posted by Longfresh...

    see for yourself


    Seems somewhat reliable to me.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon EOS 1000D / Rebel XS
  • Canon EOS 1000D / Rebel XS

  • crees!
    Aug 2, 11:45 AM
    As for the two-camera thing... wasn't there a rumor sometime back about how Leopard could handle dual-camera chatting? It would use the monitor/camera that the chat window was on... move the chat window to the other display, and the other camera picks up the chat! Now that sounds wicked... sort of :D

    canon rebel xs sample photos. mine rebel xs sample
  • mine rebel xs sample

  • Fuchal
    Apr 23, 05:08 PM
    Uhmm, how about 640x480? Or less, with the vic 20.

    I remember my pos compaq 386sx2 that came defaulted to 800x600... In 1994.

    Back ot, why is apple dealing wih 3200x3200? Are they abandoning the tradition 4:3, 16x9 or 16:9 aspect ratio?

    iPad wallpapers are also square, so they can be rotated evenly

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Sample pics for Canon EOS
  • Sample pics for Canon EOS

  • -aggie-
    Apr 9, 06:34 PM

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon XS Sample Image
  • Canon XS Sample Image

  • andy845
    Mar 29, 09:27 AM
    This was one qtr, not total devices or did I miss somthing?

    overall figures at http://androidandme.com/2011/03/devices/android%E2%80%99s-market-share-depicted-with-a-whole-lot-of-colors/

    This is the US market only.

    I'm no android fan but don't think apple will be market leaders (by share) because the are not, and will not be.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample pictures. Taken with Canon EOS Rebel X; Taken with Canon EOS Rebel X. Zadillo. Aug 25, 08:30 PM
  • canon rebel xs sample pictures. Taken with Canon EOS Rebel X; Taken with Canon EOS Rebel X. Zadillo. Aug 25, 08:30 PM

  • i hate phones
    Mar 29, 11:00 AM
    so i just purchased an album through amazon and stored it in the cloud just to see what it was like... I got the this browser is not supported on my iphone when going to the cloud player, i clicked on continue anyway or whatever it was... and i was able to play my album on my iphone. the upload music files link is grayed out but i can still listen to the album. can't confirm playback of files that have been uploaded to the cloud but purchased from amazon and stored in cloud seems to work on iphone :)

    Edit: I am using safari... I am also jailbroken so I don't know if there is any hidden difference?

    ok so my session expires after every 2 songs. thats kinda annoying. is there an amazon setting i'm missing somewhere?

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample photos.
  • canon rebel xs sample photos.

  • Eriden
    Sep 16, 06:00 PM
    If they souped up a 13.3" MB enclosure, wouldn't it require a serious overhaul of the appropriate internals, especially ditching the integrated graphics for a dedicated solution? (Not that Jonathan Ive & Co would have much of a problem making it happen.) Before I went to the recently opened Apple Store in Norfolk, VA, I might have considered a 13.3" MBP. But after having played around with the 17"... I'm in love. When Tuesday cometh, I'll be ordering a 17" MBP... merom or yonah. From all the shipping delays, merom is looking more hopeful all the time!

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample pictures
  • canon rebel xs sample pictures

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 18, 02:51 PM
    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

    canon rebel xs sample photos. canon rebel xs sample photos. Can seecanon eos to samplethis; Can seecanon eos to samplethis. KnightWRX. Apr 8, 08:37 PM
  • canon rebel xs sample photos. Can seecanon eos to samplethis; Can seecanon eos to samplethis. KnightWRX. Apr 8, 08:37 PM

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 02:31 PM
    I aggree that Apple will only use two speeds in the upgraded MBP... but it'll be the slower two speeds. Even tho' Merom is supposed to be more energy efficent than Yonah, Apple will opt for the "cooller" lower speed cpus in the MBP. Similarly, when the "cut-down" Meroms come out (slower and smaller L2 cache), they'll be the CPUs used in the MacBook and Mac mini.

    As an aside, TFA states that Merom will be used in the MBP.... which is true, but Apple are also going to use it in an updated iMac too :-)I will be very surprised if Apple doesn't use the 2.16 & 2.33 GHz Meroms in the next MacBook Pros to fully separate them in speed from the 2GHz MacBook. 2.33 Merom should be as cool as the 2.16 Yonah no?

    What is TFA? Link?

    canon rebel xs sample photos. Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital
  • Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital

  • Rocketman
    Nov 26, 07:55 PM
    This can be done quite cheaply, if Apple doesn't use off the shelf PC components - which is why current tablet PCs are so expensive. An Intel ULV processor is not cheap.

    Shame that Apple moved away from the PowerPC really, when it comes to applications such as this. They could use a $20 PPC 750CL processor (16mm^2 die size, compare to the ~150mm^2 PC processors) at up to 1GHz (~2W power consumption at 700MHz), with a 30GB 1.8" hard drive (same as iPod), 512MB memory ... that'd be cheap (the display would probably be the most expensive part).

    Valuable post.


    Mar 29, 10:14 AM
    I was excited about this at first but... this just seems like an incredibly stupid fad. Instead of spending time to put the music on my PMP, I sync to the digital cloud, then stream the music to said player. Yeah, in an era where unlimited data is becoming more not less scarce, that's just what I need, data surcharges. This just appears to be yet another fad intending to push consumer technology in the wrong direction.

    Nov 13, 10:47 AM
    Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.

    BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.


    I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.

    The key for making this purchase for me is to have at least the option to allow the calls to come in through the car's speakers while using the built-in mic on the dock.

    Also, the youtube video shows the guy had it stuck on his dash with the adhesive? Anyone have driver's point of view, pictures with it mounted with suction on the windshield? There's no way I'm sticking this thing to my dash.

    Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.

    I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Hand-Stands-Jelly-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Holder/2603163/product.html) and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/HandStands-GPS-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Mount/4341949/product.html), but its just too big for my tastes.

    What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area

    Here is their website (http://www.themacstore.com/locations/portland). They are an authorized third party Mac reseller sort of like MacMall, but with a physical location. You can try calling other third party Mac resellers in your area if you don't have "The Mac Store" in your area.

    Jul 23, 08:16 PM
    Makes no sense to me. :rolleyes:
    Wow, why all the hatin'? This is what they did before. This is the way things are headed. I see another sub $1000 just like the iBook, that's a given. I'm hoping for a cheaper one, but not expecting it for awhile. Could be months, could be years. But as prices drop, it will happen. It's only a matter of time.

    May 4, 03:54 PM
    On yesterday's MacBreak Weekly they were talking about this. The consensus was that the d/l version will be ultra cheap similar to SL b/c Apple wants people to migrate quickly. And then there will be a retail box that will sell for more for those who either can't or don't want to d/l. There is a patter of this in iLife, iWork, Aperture, etc., where the d/l version is much less expensive than the retail box.

    And I'm fine with that. Bought Aperture when the Mac App Store debuted because of the new price. However, while people will say "partition your drive for OS and Apps and another partition for data so that you can wipe the OS partition for installs, etc." - because I like to do a clean install of the OS when I get it, and typically with a new machine I still reinstall it without all the languages, print drivers, fonts I won't ever need, I don't want to get a new iMac now and then in a couple months install Lion clean after just setting up the new machine. I'll wait. Get the new iMac with Lion. Wipe the OS and reinstall it slimmed down. Then add my Apps and data.

    Nov 7, 06:43 PM
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etCqq3-7ixo (in German)

    I'm really sorry but I couldn't resist correcting. :D After I was halfway through the video I thought "why the heck don't I understand this if it's supposed to be German?" It was Danish. :D