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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

dia del ni�o mexico

dia del ni�o mexico. Mx. dia del ni o mexico.
  • Mx. dia del ni o mexico.

  • kainjow
    Sep 15, 05:53 PM
    It's also standard in all the current MBPs, except the lowest model.
    I don't think that qualifies as being "standard" if they're not all 1GB ;) :rolleyes:

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del ni o. dia del ni o
  • dia del ni o. dia del ni o

  • synagence
    Mar 28, 10:49 AM
    I'm on the iPhone 4S boat .... given Apple is driving its pricing by scale to simply include the A5 chip inside the iPhone4 chassis with little else to bump specs (maybe increased display size but same res so its just a new front-panel rather than entire body) makes most sense

    They need to re-up people on contracts, they need to maintain momentum regardless of whether the iPhone4 is still competitive .... Android phones like the Atrix are already dual-core Tegra2 based devices and developers will start exploiting the new iPad2 chipset (gfx+cpu) and to not have a phone for another year incapable of maintaining that, not to mention the knock-on effect of iPod touch in september being based on current hardware just doesn't add up....

    Apple has already said it likes its release cycle ... it'll just be a bump in the speeds'n'feeds to maintain relative position in the market

    dia del ni�o mexico. El Día del Niño o Día
  • El Día del Niño o Día

  • MovieCutter
    Aug 4, 09:54 AM
    EXCLUSIVE: Leopard Feature Set Leaked


    Hardly seems exclusive...more like "duh, that's obvious"

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del nino. dia del ni o por
  • dia del nino. dia del ni o por

  • emotion
    Nov 25, 06:02 AM
    I think that is exactly right on all accounts and not farfetched at all.
    The only things is that the phoneclient will simply be Ichat and not skype.

    People have noticed recently that ichat isnt the best tool for the job that it's meant to do. An overhaul (as part of leopard?) would need to take place and could be part of the whole strategy.

    dia del ni�o mexico. ideas para el dia del ni o.
  • ideas para el dia del ni o.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 12:39 PM
    You got it wrong. If you can't have cameras.. you CAN'T HAVE CAMERAS even if they're NOT being used. I work at a place where you can't have cellphones with cameras on the premises (i.e., the parking lot) let alone inside. Many companies with such policies will not buy displays because of such.

    I think this is an oversight (we can call it oSight) by Apple. If you want to gain market share, especially for people who want high powered equipment. I worked in a small research for a while, like the above poster, there were NO cameras allowed including camera phones. This was a blanket policy for the whole facillity even if you had no security clearence. In this case it was required becasue they did a lot DoD research.

    So, right off these new computers (iMac, MB, MBP) are not options for a facility like this to use. Additionally, anyone who works there and ever wants to bring his/her personal laptop to work is sunk too.

    If was still working there I probably would have to opt for a differnt laptop.

    Compared to other computer brands Macs give their customers fewer add-on options. I don't know why. I guess it makes it easier for them. But, in this case I think not making the built in iSight an option (even if it is free, like the glossy screen in the MBP) is a mistake.

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del ni o. dia del ni o
  • dia del ni o. dia del ni o

  • wizard
    Mar 27, 12:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Maybe I'm missing something. I don't get all of the comments that iOS 4.3 is so outdated and in need of a major overhaul. I like 4.3. It works for me.

    I like the notification system. An applet pops up when I have a notification and I can choose to ignore it or go into the app for more information. What is wrong with that? I'm all for doing things better and maybe someone can show me a better way.

    4.3 is fine the way it is! 5.0 could POTENTIALLY deliver some very nice new features but very few really know what will be in 5.0. I just don't see major GUI changes coming, there will be changes of course but they won't be exploited by developers right away.

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del nino en mexico.
  • dia del nino en mexico.

  • ptaylor874
    Nov 3, 09:31 AM
    I just wish the way it was mounted was better, not just glue.

    Ummm... It's not just glue. It uses the same suction mount as their other units. I think there is an adhesive disk you can use as well. (Not sure if you stick that to where you want to me able to mount it with suction or exactly how that works.)

    I've used a similar type of suction mount with Griffin's Window Seat. It's not just a simple suction cup. You place it where you want to put it, then turn another part to increase the suction. It sticks great to glass, be it the windshield, a side window, or the sunroof (for kids to watch in the back seat), for days at a time. The Window Seat isn't the best implementation of it - I understand that TomTom's is better (easier to attach and detach).

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del nino.
  • dia del nino.

  • ntnwwnet
    Aug 12, 12:15 AM
    If they made it a little taller it should be easy-peasy for Apple to fit the necessary cooling. Hey, if they're making it taller, they could add a 3.5" Hard Drive which is much cheaper than laptop hard drives and we could finally get a 500GB Mini.

    But then it wouldn't be a Mac Mini, now would it?

    (My first MR post. Ever.)

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del nino. dia del ni o.
  • dia del nino. dia del ni o.

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 18, 04:35 PM
    Apple does not license elements of its OS to others, unlike Microsoft. There is no reason for one netbook maker to sue another when they both license their OS from Microsoft. The only IP among netbook makers is any proprietary software and hardware design. The two issues are completely different. Apple actually owns the patents to those things they are suing over.

    Then they should sue google for making android so similar to iOS, not Samsung. And im not sure if the "look" of icons on a screen can be patented anyway.

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del ni o cristiano. del
  • dia del ni o cristiano. del

  • wclyffe
    Jan 25, 07:05 AM
    Regarding using a case with the tom tom kit--I bought a casemate (comes shiny and somewhat rubberized) and it fits fine in my tomtom car kit.

    check out the website. maybe it's a solution for you.

    Thanks, that's good to know! Which case from them do you have?

    dia del ni�o mexico. Hogar del Joven/Día del Niño
  • Hogar del Joven/Día del Niño

  • mdlooker
    Apr 7, 12:13 PM
    Though competition is a desired aspect in any market, from a buyers standpoint, there is still that demand variable.

    I believe that even if Apple takes total market consumption, because it seems to be going that way, the price will dictate how sturdy the dominance will be. So long as they keep the prices affordable, they will have no problems.

    Same applies with with their Macs. If they were to lower the prices, the profit margin would take a big hit but a slow market saturation would occur.

    We need innovation and great experiences, but price moves that demand curve.

    dia del ni�o mexico. imagenes del dia del ni o.
  • imagenes del dia del ni o.

  • newbididewbidie
    Apr 20, 12:23 AM
    New processor...same package. Works for me!

    dia del ni�o mexico. feliz dia del ni o. El Día
  • feliz dia del ni o. El Día

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 14, 12:06 PM
    Yes, I want to donate to the Fed (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-real-housewives-of-wall-street-look-whos-cashing-in-on-the-bailout-20110411?page=1) (so that my money can go lie on a Cayman island beach, since I never will be able to).

    Holy crap! You know these things are going on but to read the details is nauseating.

    And then there are the bailout deals that make no sense at all. Republicans go mad over spending on health care and school for Mexican illegals. So why aren't they flipping out over the $9.6 billion in loans the Fed made to the Central Bank of Mexico? How do we explain the $2.2 billion in loans that went to the Korea Development Bank, the biggest state bank of South Korea, whose sole purpose is to promote development in South Korea? And at a time when America is borrowing from the Middle East at interest rates of three percent, why did the Fed extend $35 billion in loans to the Arab Banking Corporation of Bahrain at interest rates as low as one quarter of one point?

    Even more disturbing, the major stakeholder in the Bahrain bank is none other than the Central Bank of Libya, which owns 59 percent of the operation. In fact, the Bahrain bank just received a special exemption from the U.S. Treasury to prevent its assets from being frozen in accord with economic sanctions. That's right: Muammar Qaddafi received more than 70 loans from the Federal Reserve, along with the Real Housewives of Wall Street.

    Perhaps the most irritating facet of all of these transactions is the fact that hundreds of millions of Fed dollars were given out to hedge funds and other investors with addresses in the Cayman Islands. Many of those addresses belong to companies with American affiliations � including prominent Wall Street names like Pimco, Blackstone and . . . Christy Mack. Yes, even Waterfall TALF Opportunity is an offshore company. It's one thing for the federal government to look the other way when Wall Street hotshots evade U.S. taxes by registering their investment companies in the Cayman Islands. But subsidizing tax evasion? Giving it a federal bailout?

    dia del ni�o mexico. El Día del Niño o Día
  • El Día del Niño o Día

  • Manderby
    Mar 31, 04:30 AM
    The lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.

    Stroop effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroop_effect)

    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    dia del ni�o mexico. imagenes del dia del ni o.
  • imagenes del dia del ni o.

  • camelsnot
    Mar 30, 06:13 AM
    who cares, it's just an ipod. Those pieces of junk should be canned by Apple anyways.

    dia del ni�o mexico. para el dia del nino.
  • para el dia del nino.

  • iScott428
    Mar 29, 03:41 PM
    The reason that simple, brainless product assembly is not done in the US has nothing to due with low quality. It is due to lower manufacturing costs in China, which has no regulations.

    There is no evidence at all that American-made products are of lower quality than any other country's products. (Is there any fighter jet better than the American-made F-16 or F-22?)

    Right I get that, and thats the point. On the military note does any country spend/waste more money than us on our armed forces. Not even close.

    dia del ni�o mexico. dia del nino en mexico.
  • dia del nino en mexico.

  • �algiris
    May 6, 02:10 AM
    This story reeks. I would sooner expect Apple to acquire AMD than I would for them to make yet another architecture switch.

    Assuming this rumor is true who said that this would be instead of Intel on laptops? Maybe it's in addition to Intel?

    dia del ni�o mexico. el dia del nino. se festejó el
  • el dia del nino. se festejó el

  • ladeer
    Mar 30, 02:53 AM
    I agree. Given the last Ford we purchased leaked and after 6 months of trying to fix it, the Ford dealer said "well, everything leaks" and said they'd give a good deal on it to trade it in if we wanted. And the last GM we had stalled every morning when you were pulling out on to the road and the dealer said that it was "just the way the car was made," and could never fix it I wouldn't buy an American made car unless they started getting good reports both for quality upfront (they just sound cheap compared to a Honda, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, or Toyota) and for quality over 5-6+ years of ownership. And the previous American made cars we had were of similar low quality.

    So for the last 11 years, I've been buying non-American. It is too bad, but the quality is not there. I even looked at one with a friend in November and it was the same deal.

    An iPhone made in the US would be double the price due to high taxes and regulation. Quality, who knows, but the cost would be prohibitive compared to everyone else. It would be the fastest way for Apple to kill itself. If Apple *could* do it, they would, but it is impossible.

    It is competition - if you can't compete on quality or price, you are out of luck. Unless you can get a handout.

    quality has nothing to do w/ the location of manufacturing. toyota and bmw both make many of their cars in US, but they have high quality because they make them that way.

    it's not about where it's made, or which country the company comes from. Apple is an American company but understands design and quality, just like many other american companies that care about quality such as boeing.

    dia del ni�o mexico. Día del niño 2010 - Teletón
  • Día del niño 2010 - Teletón

  • dba7dba
    Apr 18, 04:53 PM
    First off the Prada was officially announced by LG on January 18, 2007. The iPhone was announced by Apple on january 9, 2007. The last time that I checked, January 9th came before January 18th. THAT makes the iPhone first, sorry.

    Secondly the All of the other copy cats look a ton more like the iPhone than the iPhone looks like the Prada or anything else for that matter.

    As far as whether the iPhone and iPad are innovative, I respectfully disagree with you.


    From wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LG_Prada_(KE850)

    LG Electronics has claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. Woo-Young Kwak, head of LG Mobile Handset R&D Center, said at a press conference, �We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.�[9][10]
    LG later claimed that Apple stole both the ideas and concept of the Prada phone. A lawsuit by LG had been rumored prior to this announcement; [9] however, LG has remained silent on whether or not they will file a lawsuit.

    Apr 16, 01:15 PM
    but if nobody spends to buy that small business's product, how will it survive? Yes you need some saving, but spending is equally important. What we should have done was saved while the economy was going good and we could afford to have that money sitting on the sides and now that the economy is bad we should be spending to restart it. Of course the Republicans were irresponsible with their spending under Bush so now we don't have that money we should have saved to fall back on.

    Nobody will spend? I find that hard to believe. We have about 300 million people in this country. And 6 billion in the world.

    There is always demand. Demand is infinite. It is whether the price is at the right point for the individual. Even when we know a product will continual to decrease in price, there's a point at which we'll buy it. We've all waited to buy an ipod but we don't wait forever, even though we know the current model will be $50-100 less in September.

    The idea that the majority of people will not spend anything for a protracted amount of time is ludicrous and only in the minds of clueless mainstream economists. Economists are a bit like creation scientists. They both approach the world seeking to validate their own beliefs. Both can continue to believe in their own beliefs because they never have to experiment. The economist doesn't understand how to make money and the creation scientist doesn't use the scientific method. Investors/traders and real scientists, on the other hand, are merely trying to understand the workings of something they can't change.

    Aug 11, 11:45 AM
    Does this mean merom machines will return to the original pricing the yonah machines debuted with or will the pricing pick up from where it is now?

    Apr 23, 10:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    As I said a while ago, the next gen of MBP's will have a really good screen as a main selling point.

    No one listens!

    Dec 14, 02:21 AM
    No, we do NOT have any responsibility to protect Windows users from viruses. It is each computer user's responsibility to protect themselves. Even if every Mac ran antivirus, Windows users are still at a much greater risk from other sources of malware. The common sense approach is for every Windows user to run their own antivirus to protect themselves from malware, whether that malware comes from a Mac user or another source. Mac users do not have a responsibility to burden their computers with AV apps, just because some Windows users may be careless enough to run without AV protection.

    Speak for yourself mate. It's easy enough to say that, but what happens if I go to a small client's site, and they're not on the case: I end up with a virus nestled on my hard disk. Then I end up going to a data centre, plugging in and... OOPS! The virus gets into the DC. I would be liable. I am insured, but it's easier to prevent than deal with the fallout. Additionally, as a security consultant, it might not look to competant, if you follow :)

    Aug 2, 01:39 PM
    you have got to be CRAZY to think that he's going to intro an ipod at WWDC, when MW Paris is right around the corner! MW Paris in september is pretty much ALWAYS when they intro ipods and consumer products this time of year.
    I am still a bit curious why the last iPod-updater had text strings such as: "t_feature_app_PHONE_APP, kPhoneSignalStrength,
    if an iPhone isn't around the corner. It doesn't make sense to include that unless the iPhone is very close to be released.
    Besides, wouldn't it be beneficial, in terms of new apps, to let the developers know that the iPhone was about to be released very shortly?