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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

i love you mommy poems

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  • marvel2
    Jan 11, 10:28 PM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

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  • oneighturbo
    Sep 16, 11:02 AM
    so help me out here..

    BTO = anything purchased online? (even if the config doesnt change at all on a MBP) vs. me walking into a store and getting one today?

    what im getting at is i would like a Merom MBP but if i want to take advantage of the iPod edu deal i have to buy today, the 16th.

    so then if i get the current MBP id have to keep it unopened until the announment on the 24th? then take it back to the store?

    if ship dates go into October, when will the stores have em in stock?

    does that make any sense :D

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  • i love you mom poems. love you

  • Am3822
    Sep 15, 04:32 PM
    It would be a nice thing to have a rumor-source rating system of some sort -- as a newb, I couldn't really judge from the search results whether MacShrine should be taken seriously or not.

    As for the MBP -- I'll believe it when I'll see it.

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  • Small White Car
    May 4, 02:45 PM
    But how will I get a free T-Shirt after waiting for 2 hours in line at the Apple store?


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  • wclyffe
    Nov 8, 06:54 PM
    I found the sound quality when playing music from the Tomtom car kit (as compared to a cable running from the headphone jack to the aux port) to be a bit improved. I think you get the equivalent of line out via the car kit, which is a slightly different signal from the headphone signal.

    My car stereo is nothing special, though, so others might be able to provide a more detailed comparison.

    Thanks for that info. I was wondering if I plug an fm transmitter into the car kit and play my music through my car speakers, will incoming phone calls also be sent through the car speakers or the Tomtom speaker? I prefer the phone calls just come through the car kit's speaker alone.

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  • tipp
    May 4, 04:10 PM
    I didn't read through all 5 previous pages, but it doesn't seem like anyone has mentioned this hidden restore partition that the Lion installer creates. This definitely lessens the need a bit for a bootable install disk/drive. Obviously, if your drive dies completely, you would need a way to do a full reinstall.

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  • coffey7
    Jul 21, 09:32 PM
    now if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:

    Tell me about it!

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  • i love you mom poems.

  • toddybody
    Apr 24, 09:10 AM
    No, he's talking about the drawing that shows something like a 24" iMac than can be swivelled down on your desktop from it's normal upright position to a slightly inclined position (like an iPad on it's new triangle smart cover back rest) and then you lift your arms up and use the 24" screen like an iPad.

    Seems such a bad idea.

    I like the idea of a giant touch screen in the surface of a desk, for some uses, but I'm really unsure about swinging an iMac screen around and sticking your hands all over it.

    This image here: http://www.alltouchtablet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/touchscreen-apple-imac.jpg

    Yeah, neat idea conceptually...but in practice I would personally rather not have my iMac look like a school bus window:p

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  • i love you poems in spanish.

  • GregA
    May 6, 03:58 AM
    Why do you think, MS is making an ARM version of Windows 8? Because ARM is gona be the actual feature x68 enemy. Time will tell.

    Or they want Windows phones on ARM... which they already are aren't they?.

    Just like Apple put OSX on ARM 5 years ago (aka iPhone OS).

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  • to Love+you+mom+poems

  • Pman17
    Mar 27, 03:34 PM
    I believe that they will announce iOS 5 next month or during WWDC. They have been late on their consistent announcements on iOS in March, probably because of the new cloud service and of course the iPad 2. We should at least expect iOS 5 developer kits to come out soon.
    There is one more point I would like to make... 2011 is the Year of the iPad 2.

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  • love poems for mom. davidcmc

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 22, 09:00 AM
    Surely they can't continue to justify a Core Solo.

    Not with a dual 1.66GHz Merom taking its price point.

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  • toddybody
    May 4, 09:16 PM
    Preferred I can live with, exclusive I can't. Don't push OSX down the iOS route of exclusivity.

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  • bigpics
    Apr 25, 10:30 AM
    Too late for that: http://www.spokeo.com/Holy Guacamole. But I'm not worried. It doesn't know my favorite pizza. Yet.

    And in my case - not much fuel for password hackers to know my challenge question answers, but the fact is that more and more info about us can be reverse engineered from our digital "tracks" to build up quite a picture.

    Speaking of pictures, I was just hearing that it's possible to gather other bits, e.g., from EXIF data on Flickr, Picasa, etc., including user annotations, avatar names from forums, etc. Also mentioned was a technique of "surrounding" your IP address from the servers it interacts with over time to pin its location down. And there are a growing number of other sources - e.g., facebook (besides what most of us make public there, just start some stupid app that requires "access to your basic information" and give the app away for the info) and other social and dating sites.

    The "net" result (so to speak) is that little to none of the data may compromise you on its own - but when assembled could be quite a portfolio of info about you (and your associations and patterns of associations) that could be used to hack your ID, track you and more.

    Not to mention if you live in any major city and go to stores, public buildings, etc., you're being photographed many, many times per day. (In London, up to thousands of times per day, e.g.)

    But for all the arguing in the larger media and here, the simple question of why THIS file exists, and what its real intended use is hasn't yet been directly addressed by nearly anyone, especially anyone in a position to actually know.

    It's not there for no reason and didn't program itself to exist. That doesn't pass any Occam's Razor or smell test. So what the hell IS the story with it??

    Meanwhile, for get off the grid wishers, your moment of zen:

    Transmit the message, to the receiver
    Hope for an answer some day
    I got three passports, couple of visas
    Don't even know my real name

    High on a hillside, trucks are loading
    Everything's ready to roll, I, I
    I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nigh time
    I might not ever get home

    This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
    This ain't no fooling around
    This ain't no mud club, or C. B. G. B.
    I ain't got time for that now

    This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
    This ain't no fooling around
    No time for dancing, or lovey dovey
    I ain't got time for that now

    Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
    Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
    You ought to know not to stand by the window
    Somebody see you up there

    I got some groceries, some peanut butter
    To last a couple of days
    But I ain't got no speakers
    Ain't got no headphones
    Ain't got no records to play

    ~David Byrne (Life During Wartime)

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  • i love you mummy poem.

  • TimDaddy
    Apr 5, 01:45 PM
    Apple is just trying to protect the user experience for their product.

    Yes, it is ours to use and do with whatever we want once paid for, but.........
    Every jailbroken iphone user will complain and tell somebody that their phone always freezes up or isn't working right.

    They are not going to say in most cases it freezes, because I jail broke it!

    That info makes it look as if it is Apples fault that things don't work.

    Like when people wreck their cars and say the gas pedal stuck at the exact same moment the brakes failed?

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  • bigandy
    Jul 29, 08:46 PM
    i'm betting it will be introduced by apple's special flying pig. :rolleyes:

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  • i love you mom poems

  • mikeapple
    Apr 5, 01:40 PM
    Toyota is not obligated to do anything... BUT i doubt they want to burn any bridges with the most innovative and powerful tech company on the planet...

    If I was Toyota, I'd be honored to get a call from Apple... surely anyone can make a jailbreak theme, but it takes being close with another company for them to be asked to take it down.

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  • i love you mommy

  • SilentLoner
    Apr 20, 04:33 AM
    I will probably update, just because I can lol Might update to the iPad2 then too

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  • roadbloc
    May 6, 02:39 AM
    Fake. Yet another chipset change would lead to many unnecessary problems.

    i love you mommy poems. i love you mom poems
  • i love you mom poems

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 12:47 PM
    ...I walk away to contemplate seppuku

    That is over dramatic, cut it out.

    Mar 29, 10:48 AM
    not really true. it depends on what kind of storage options they are currently running, there are many devices and programs out there that eliminate this kind of redundancy and odds are amazon is using them right now.

    The fact that they offer free space for MP3 files purchased from Amazon clearly indicates that those files be stored in a single copy.

    Aug 2, 02:08 PM
    How about this for WWDC:

    --Talk about how great the switch to Intel is going
    --Praise developers work on Universal apps
    --Talk about pro software
    --Sit down and preview Leopard
    --Talk about new Core 2 Duo
    --Oh, by the way the iMac I have been using has the new Core 2 Duo

    Apr 25, 05:59 AM
    This isn't surprising news considering that Lion will be running on a new 27-inch iMac screen.

    Mar 26, 10:58 PM
    :mad: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MLry6Cn_D4)

    (Click the angry face for my thoughts on the release being in Fall.)

    Sep 15, 06:38 PM
    Some has to say it:

    If MacOSXRumors is predicting it, then it's never going to happen.

    I thought macrumors just culls rumors from other sites, rather than producing stories/rumors themselves.

    EDIT: Sorry... didn't see the huge "OSX" in between "Mac" and "Rumors." :)