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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

chicago bulls hat fitted

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  • Moyank24
    May 5, 09:05 PM
    that was unexpected. now we'll have to thread back.
    to start
    we explore the friggin' closet

    Maybe there is a special secret door in that closet. Or maybe it's the Lair and we win!

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  • systole
    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    Props to amazon for taking the lead. If only dropbox would follow.

    Q: Any word on integration with AWS/EC2 for the upgraded service?

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 12:33 PM
    Do people really think were going to get Merom macbook pros at paris? I was thinkg we would see it on a tuesday before paris.

    I think Paris would be a logical time to unveil a new product. That being said, this is "just an upgrade", not a new product (it's not like the MacBooks are moving to Intel for the first time), so perhaps they will receive an update on "any given Tuesday" instead, and Paris will be reserved for something new, for instance a new full-screen touchless iPod. ;) :cool:

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  • capoeirista
    Nov 2, 01:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    ClamXAV is free and it's pretty good if you think you need it. Plus it's open source (I think).

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  • Gasu E.
    Mar 30, 09:58 AM
    You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others.


    In America, we've got "Freedom of Speech." And, we also have "Freedom of Religion". (We've also got "Separation of Church and State", but as far as I can tell, the respondant represents neither government, nor is he trying to use government to promote his views.) So, it seems to me the respondant is merely exercising his two aforementioned "Freedoms" simultaneously.

    Additionally, you conflate "asking" people to do something with "pushing". Sorry, but I get "asked" to do things all day, in normal communication, via advertising, in speeches and presentations, etc. I don't see any problem with this as long as coercion is not involved. I am free to play or not, as I choose. Human interaction just plain involves a lot of this "asking" stuff.

    BTW, I'm a complete atheist. I think "asking to pray" is totally cornball. But I don't see a problem with it-- whatever gets you through the day is fine by me.

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  • nazaar
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    Get the F over it Apple...
    I just recently JB'ed my iPhone and it's sooo much better.
    It's my device. I paid for it. I should be able to do what ever I want with it.

    Don't give in Toyota!

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  • Nuvi
    May 9, 02:12 AM
    But I just got the email notice that mine/ours is just about to renew, too. To have it become free for new users in a week, or a month, even, would be somewhat of a bite . . .

    I'm sure it won't be full MobileMe if its ever going to happen. I'm betting my money on Apple lowering the price but in that case the old subscribers get extra space.

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  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 06:13 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    Nope, it's not wrong. It will still be released.

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 10:26 AM
    How long did Apple spend announcing the iPhone 3GS at WWDC in 2009? It was about 15 minutes at most. If the next iPhone is only a slight bump like the 3GS was then that's all the time and attention that needs to be given to it.

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    Mar 27, 11:32 AM
    There is probably some truth in it after all:

    The iPhone 5 will come with iOS 5 in June/July and then this fall, we will see iOS 5 for the iPad 2, making it feel like an all new iPad. Perhaps they even call it iPad 3 internally.

    This is also a perfectly sane explanation of the rumor of iOS 5 coming this fall - it will be, but it's the iPad version "the source" is talking about.

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  • Umbongo
    Apr 23, 07:41 AM
    How does having the PSU on the bottom keep it cool?...

    Hot air rises, so the heat generated by the PSU will just rise and fill up the case.

    Unless I'm missing something or the laws of physics have changed in recent years?

    Second post explains it: http://forums.legitreviews.com/about11789.html

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 4, 02:16 PM
    I don't see why Apple would put a mobile chip into the iMac. I bought one for my work around a month ago and yes, its portable but not that portable,

    Well, there is a portable chip in it right now...

    Remember, a chip is not "portable" because it is less heavy, but because it takes less power. Conroe takes twice the power of Meron. There is a heating problem with twice the power in an iMac. I am not saying it cannot be cooled down, but it would be really hard to cool it down without making it louder.

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  • Recently Viewed. Chicago Bulls

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 23, 11:56 PM
    They use a lot more CPU time to process though. A JPG can be quickly converted to a bitmap and sent off to the GPU, a vector image has to be rendered before conversion to bitmap. Just imagine moving your mouse over the Dock with magnification on, each icon would need to be re-rendered for every time the mouse moved one pixel. With bitmaps, it's all done by the GPU. When there're hundreds of icons on display at once, that will probably become quite CPU intensive. I'm not surprised KDE supported it, it's open source, and we all know Linux is the king of feature creep.

    You said yourself that wallpapers should be vector graphics. And by that, I presumed you meant the background in the subject of the thread. Safari supports SVG, but imo, it's not really a big thing that there's no support for it as a wallpaper. It's not the first thing people think of when they list Snow Leopard's shortcomings :P

    What intelligent Developer would use the CPU to convert Vectors -> Bitmaps when they have a GPGPU to do the heavy lifting? Certainly not Apple.

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  • geordieny
    May 6, 05:50 AM
    Haha fun fun processors!! Aren't intel trying to up the power efficiency of their processors in the near future?

    Wonder if they're trying to keep a hold of Apple, as that is the biggest issue for Apple with the current range of processors.

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  • ArchaicRevival
    Mar 29, 02:14 PM
    Hey Apple,
    I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...

    Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:

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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 23, 04:36 PM
    Very good news!:apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::D:D:D:D:D:D

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 08:49 AM
    I think Paris would be a logical time to unveil a new product. That being said, this is "just an upgrade", not a new product (it's not like the MacBooks are moving to Intel for the first time), so perhaps they will receive an update on "any given Tuesday" instead, and Paris will be reserved for something new, for instance a new full-screen touchless iPod. ;) :cool:

    I think we will see the upgrade the Tuesday after they have enough supply to meet the demand. These laptops are selling great and they don't want to have to interrupt the supply. I think this is especially true at the stores.

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  • mscriv
    May 5, 11:51 AM
    i just want to make sure what the rules are, because it makes a significant difference in terms of keeping track of what might or might not be out there.
    for example, by my count, in one round you could deploy one goblin (one turn to get a point, one to deploy), by yours, you deploy two (point and deploy each turn).
    also, can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn, from the Lair?
    can you accrue points while moving/healing?

    it's the beginning of brand new game, so it's normal the rules are seen in different ways and need some fine tuning in how they are worded.

    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    Out of character again:

    Understood and I agree about knowing the rules. From your questions above I still think you are a little confused. Don't think of a turn as consisting of earning a point. Think of the round as starting with the addition of 2 points. Then I must decide what to do with those points and I can take two turn/actions (opportunities to spend points) in that round.

    can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn from the Lair?
    Not in the same turn, but in the same round. One turn/action to heal costing me one point and then a second turn/action to deploy a monster based on my accrued point total. So just like you guys, I get one round consisting of two turns/actions.

    can you accrue points while moving/healing?
    As stated above I accrue 2 points for use at the beginning of each round. If I chose to move in that round it would cost me 1 point/turn of the two I have available to me in the round. If I also chose to heal in that round it would cost me 1 point/turn and I would have exhausted my two turns/actions in that round. However, by the rules the villain can only heal when he is in the Lair with the artifact, so I couldn't actually move away and still be able to heal myself.

    I think the easiest way to think of it is each round the villain gets two turns/actions. These turns/actions cost the villain points to execute. The villain earns 2 points at the beginning of each round to add to his point total available for spending during that round. The only way to carry over points from round to round is to not take action with points available and thus they will be added to point total available for the next round.

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  • Tilpots
    Apr 10, 08:41 PM
    Google ECU Pirate and see what comes up :rolleyes:

    My search results returned "college dropout." :D

    Apr 26, 03:00 PM
    Where do these survey companies get there data from? I have NEVER been asked any questions about stuff like this. Plus with statistics you can fudge the numbers to represent just about anything.

    Interesting. I say the same thing when the news stations announce popularity polls of the President, healthcare reform, etc.

    Nov 8, 02:07 PM
    I found the sound quality when playing music from the Tomtom car kit (as compared to a cable running from the headphone jack to the aux port) to be a bit improved. I think you get the equivalent of line out via the car kit, which is a slightly different signal from the headphone signal.

    My car stereo is nothing special, though, so others might be able to provide a more detailed comparison.
    can anyone comment on the sound quality when playing music on the iphone via the tomtom kit when it's connected to the car's sound system?

    reason for asking: when i use a standard audio cable from the headphone output of my iphone into my car's aux in, the sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. i basically have to crank up the volume all the way on both my car system and the iphone to hear anything, and even what i hear isn't all that great.

    Apr 25, 09:35 AM
    Nothing really to see here except that someone made a nice app that can parse this file and list locations on a map where you've been. And if you encrypt you're iphone backups(good practice) the consolidate.db can't be even read by the app or Apple unless they bruteforce it.

    All someone has to do is instead check system logs to see if unencrypted consolidate.db files were being uploaded to Apple or used in any shady ways.

    Sep 16, 01:08 AM
    Sorry for being stupid here, but why do you guys want magnetic latches? It just doesn't seem superior to me, but then again I haven't tried the new macbooks, I just know that the solution on my old 17" powerbook was fine.
    The swappable HD is nice though, I'd like that.
    Anyway, fingers crossed, let it be true please! :)

    Mar 29, 09:18 AM
    how many of those apps sell music and movies for use on portable devices?