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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

small easter bunnies pictures

small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • alhedges
    Mar 26, 11:09 PM
    I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall. But holding off on ios 5 until the fall will simply make the iP5 less appealing...and introducing ios 5 when you don't have a product to sell is simply a waste.

    And I don't buy the iPad 3 in the fall rumor, either.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • jvmxtra
    Mar 29, 12:22 PM
    Going further on infancy stage of cloud as far as main stream consumers are concerned -- Only way they can drive people to it right now would be if it was all free.

    Nobody in right mind would pay money to store their own files somewhere else which they already have on their computer.

    Cloud storage can work for things that people do not own: software that they rent, movies and such.

    Storing music on cloud is just simply stupid idea as it doesn't take up lot of space on your device and music is something you want to listen over and over again if it's your favorite(do you really want to having to connect to internet to get your fav music?)

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • syklee26
    Sep 15, 06:54 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    if you want a completely new MBP, then i don't think u would want that to be released on next Tuesday because if they do quiet update, u won't see changes.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • stridle
    Nov 18, 06:50 AM
    Apparently it's all TomTom, I found another site that said they were supposed to receive their shipment on the 17th as well and that the supplier has yet to update them.

    This all seems like a huge foul up for TomTom. First they promise to release this thing months ago, and it's still not widely available. Now there are talks of google releasing a free navigation app. TomTom is going to miss some large amounts of revenue with this manufacturing miscue.

    I will probably still buy the mount, which in my eyes, for $87 is a great value. I will definitely be waiting for a free google app though. If I could have purchased the mount two months ago I would have bought the app, silly TomTom.

    small easter bunnies pictures. Easter Bunny with Easter egg
  • Easter Bunny with Easter egg

  • Next Tuesday
    Sep 15, 06:50 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D
    I thought i heard my name, Heres to you too!

    small easter bunnies pictures. The Easter Bunny comes to
  • The Easter Bunny comes to

  • FelixGV
    Nov 26, 03:07 PM
    I would definitely buy a Tablet Mac. Well, I mean a laptop with a rotating touch screen.

    I would like it even more if it was smaller than the actual 13" MacBooks. I carry my laptop with me a lot, and light-weightness is important for me.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • CJM
    Jul 22, 06:49 AM
    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:



    I don't want to see laptop updates, which seems to me to be the most reported thing on Macrumors right now. Bring on the iMac!!!

    small easter bunnies pictures. Easter Bunny-chan by
  • Easter Bunny-chan by

  • enda1
    Aug 4, 06:32 AM
    All the pics on the banner are just apple's existing products. There's nothing new there and (i believe) no hints. Its the keynote to look out for. I just hope they announce merom in MB as soon as possible. Maybe a new 12/13'' MBP otherwise which would be my ideal computer.

    Monday is a bank holiday here in Ireland and i will be on a train during the keynote. Damn!!! Ill just have to watch it when I get back.

    Though, I'm still not back in college till the second week of october so everything should be clearer by then! :)

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • CalBoy
    May 5, 07:22 PM
    Actually, the more I think about it... the more I've come 'round to your thinking. Living in a country that has (mostly) gone metric, the more children in the US that are taught a system that no-one else in the world uses makes a lot of economic sense - for us. So please, keep on giving your children hurdles to overcome should they wish to compete in the rest of the world. It's good for the rest of us. ;)

    It isn't the metric system (or lack thereof) that's holding our children back; it's a lack of emphasis on science and math on the part of schools, parents, and society as a whole.

    We learn the metric system in school concurrently with imperial units, and at the end of the day no one is unable to grasp the idea of multiplying by 10. What American kids can't tell you is how to find the focus of a parabola or why that would be important when designing headlights. That's where the problem is.

    There is no hurdle. American students in Science and Engineering programs are able to do both without problems. Maybe being able to handle multiple systems give us a competitive edge....

    There is already decent evidence to show that bilingual children perform better in school and in life (the idea being that more neural connections help intelligence), so I don't see why learning a second system of measures would be all that catastrophic.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 20, 05:34 AM
    I dont agree. A 4" screen would be larger real estate, but that would mean developers would have to rewrite their apps to fit the new size. For example, the iPad has an obviously larger screen space, which means that developers had to scale their software up to match, because lets face it, the 2x button just makes things look like pixels and thats just awful, this is not SNES system.
    But the iPad has similar dimensions and screen ratio. But a 4" display would makes things look stretched, so developers would have to code each app to fit the new stretched screen. This would also be quite annoying on the app store, looking for apps which work on 3g, 3gs, i4 and i5 and iPad and iPad 2. It would just become a nuisance to download an app to see its stretched on older phones. this wouldn't be a good move by apple just yet. Apple like to care for older tech users, the 3g and 3gs users, and this larger screen would make apps not run as smoothly.

    Have you ever tried to run any iPhone apps on the iPad? Have you not noticed that what they scale down to is a size larger than the iPhone's current 3.5" size? Not sure why Apple chose a size slightly larger than 3.5" but none the less they scale just fine.

    small easter bunnies pictures. Was he small?
  • Was he small?

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 01:51 PM
    Actually, Apple is doing them a favor. That's an ugly, ugly theme.

    Look at the "Post your homescreen" thread, lots of tacky people with tacky looking screens. LOL

    small easter bunnies pictures. that The Easter Bunny was
  • that The Easter Bunny was

  • Thunderbird
    Aug 7, 05:15 PM
    Anyone specs about noise level (db) when..?:

    - Sleep.
    - Idle.
    - Low load.
    - Medium load.
    - High load.
    - Maximum load


    Thanks for raising the noise question. My thoughts exactly. Since there wasn't a case redesign, I suspect the noise specs to be similar to G5.


    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • dampfnudel
    Mar 27, 12:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't believe the iPad 3 is coming out this year. However, I'm curious what Apple would do if they wanted to change the release date to a later month, say September. Theoretically, they could release a slightly improved model at a higher price point later this year, calling it a "Pro" model, while still selling the current model. Then early next year, discontinue the iPad 2 and continue to sell the Pro models at a reduced price until September 2012 when the iPad 3 is released. I'm not saying this will happen, but I just wanted to point out a possible senario if Apple wants a later release date for the iPad.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 09:38 PM
    I'd watch that last sentence... Airport was NOT an option you could add on LATER with the PowerMac G5's. Are you sure about that statement?Yes it was and still is. I'm 100% Certain. You can put it in in about 2 minutes. Nothing to it. :) You're probably thinking of Bluetooth which is not user installable which is why I recommend it since it's only $29 extra. Will be a resale feature.

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • sunspot42
    Apr 21, 02:45 PM
    With Thunderbolt I/O and so much stuff coming standard on the motherboard, you no longer need so much room for internal expansion. So it makes sense that Apple would take this opportunity to shrink the Mac Pro form factor. Those few who need a slew of high speed drives will be able to connect to some external RAID box, and a smaller case should still be able to house all of the expansion cards required by 99% of Mac users. (With Thunderbolt, you could use an external cage to house expansion cards as well, if you needed a slew of 'em for some reason.)

    I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 06:55 PM
    Translating a photo to a vector based format would be completely pointless and would end up massive. Take for example the Snow Leopard Prowl JPEG. It's 1.2MB, and converting to BMP or TIFF (both describe each pixel individually, i.e. lossless) makes it 12mb, 10 times the size. Converting it to the much less efficient SVG, makes it insanely massive; 225mb or 187.5 times bigger to be exact.

    No one is saying photos should be changed to vector based art. Looking at my dock right now, nothing is a photo, it's all cartoony images that when converted to vector art (something again, KDE did 10 years ago) isn't much bigger than JPEGs or PNGs when saved as SVG.

    Also, another big plus, SVG being text based XML compresses very, very well (don't forget JPEG and PNG are compressed formats). For icons, it made sense to move to SVG 10 years ago. Apple is late to the game in this regard.

    For wallpapers, some make sense (more cartoony images or things like the aurora wallpapers of past OS X releases) and some don't. I'm not arguing Apple drop support for pixel based formats, but rather that they add support for vector based art and use it as much as possible where it makes sense.

    If a few unpaid Linux hackers can make it work, why can't Apple ?

    I agree with others about Apple needing to beef up the GPUs if they want retina displays in their Macs. They always seem to put last-generation cards into them...

    In this case, last generation cards like the AMD Radeon 6000 that are about to show up in Macs (finally!) are quite capable of outputting the 3200x2000 resolutions which are being talked about here with the mount Fuji background. They have the RAM, the output bandwidth and the processing power.

    small easter bunnies pictures. easter bunny coloring pages
  • easter bunny coloring pages

  • generik
    Sep 16, 08:14 AM
    I am not that greedy, give me the same DL drives that have already been on PC laptops since 2 years ago and I will be happy :rolleyes:

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • milo
    Jul 21, 03:05 PM
    This WWDC will either be amazing or a total letdown?

    Or for the mac zealots with absolutely no perspective and impossible expectations...both!

    small easter bunnies pictures. small easter bunnies pictures.
  • small easter bunnies pictures.

  • paolo-
    May 3, 01:29 AM
    For the love of your education system, do make the switch! I'm an engineering student from Canada. So I have to learn both imperial and SI. Imperial is such a pain in the ass. The units don't mean anything and they are not made to fit with each other so you have conversions factors everywhere. Also, pound force and pound mass, WTF?

    Really, most opinions I see in the US to keep the imperial system is because you're not accustomed to it. Fahrenheit being more accurate than Celsius or Kelvins, really? Just add a decimal, that's the beauty of it, you add a decimal point or a factor of ten and Earth doesn't suddenly implode. I think it grows on you, you can relate things much more easily, let's say you're comparing something in feet or inches, or pounds and onces, you don't get a real feel for it.

    Mar 31, 08:51 AM
    It's been there since that last preview

    Sep 11, 01:30 PM
    No its not. Fast, but not as fast.

    I can't find it now, but one of the mac websites did iPod transfer speed benchmarks on USB2 vs firewire, and the difference was negligible. I know the spec is different, but in real world tests they were virtually identical.

    Nov 22, 01:33 AM
    It would be fun to speculate what features Apple brings to the iPhone that could revolutionize the cell phone industry? My guess is 1) ease of use in updating contacts, calendar, emails 2) iPod music integration 3) high quality 640x480 mpeg4 videos and 4) leveraging in flash memory pricing

    Ok...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.

    People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.

    Aug 11, 12:31 PM
    I think he means it's a speed bump in terms of sales. Not technically. Though I may have him/her wrong.

    Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I could see that being the case now that you mention it.

    Most of the "goodness" isn't anything a laptop user will notice.

    Quite true. Again, I was speaking from a technical perspective, but practically, yes, this is quite true.

    Umm..technically you are right, but the the difference of 5-15% is not very significant, especially compared to Conroe's 40% jump. Merom's power is limited by slower FSB which is not going to see any change anytime soon. I just hope they fix current MBP issues first like battery life, underclocked graphic card and Superdrives. CPU upgrade is just a ritual Apple has to perform to stay in the league.

    Gotcha, and agreed - see above. ;) :D

    Apr 18, 04:09 PM
    Many of this board's comments are great examples why our founding fathers, with great wisdom, chose to form our country with a republic for its government rather than a direct democracy.