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Monday, May 16, 2011

cod black ops prestige icons

cod black ops prestige icons. cod black ops prestige icons.
  • cod black ops prestige icons.

  • tstreete
    Nov 14, 11:57 AM
    What type of clips are those? And where did u get them?

    cod black ops prestige icons. cod black ops prestige icons.
  • cod black ops prestige icons.

  • tim916
    Apr 25, 10:22 AM
    I still don't get why people are so concerned about this? Does anybody really care where other people are going? I guess if you are afraid of your wife finding it and discovering that you are hanging out at truck stops trading meth for certain favors then it could be an issue, but my wife already knows about this. In fact, she even comes along sometimes to take pictures.

    cod black ops prestige icons. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 03:14 PM
    The game will begin very soon. Here's the roles for all players:

    1. -aggie- : Rosius WIZARD
    2. Eldiablojoe : Dante COUPLE
    3. Moyank24 : Beatrice COUPLE
    4. ucfgrad93 : Rhon ADVENTURER
    5. appleguy123 : Wilmer ADVENTURER
    6. Don't panic : Loras ADVENTURER
    7. Plutonius : Jorah ADVENTURER
    8. mscriv : ??? VILLAIN

    Instructions: chrmjenkins will post the opening narrative very soon. I will then post the initial map (only one room at first). You all will then designate a leader of the party, who will report to me the actions you want to take (this will not take up a turn). Finally, you will vote on what action to take. The possible actions will be:

    Explore room
    Go through door (specify the door)
    Split up.

    To report the action, the designated leader must post the message all in bold for a quicker response.

    cod black ops prestige icons. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • jonnysods
    Mar 27, 05:00 PM
    Take your time Apple, make it a good release. Don't put it out just to be available at the same time as the iPhone 5.

    cod black ops prestige icons. Call of Duty: Black Ops - The
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops - The

  • maclaptop
    Apr 20, 07:38 AM
    All I am thinking about after this news is the release date of the Iphone 6.

    Me too.

    This year I'll have some fun with Android, since Apple's coasting. It's their loss and my gain.

    Besides it's very fun to check out what's up with the competition first hand.

    Thanks Apple!

    cod black ops prestige icons. lack ops prestige icons. lack
  • lack ops prestige icons. lack

  • zelmo
    Nov 26, 11:47 AM
    I've always thought the tablet PC was cool tech in search of a practical application to take off in popularity.
    Using a tablet as remote for your iTV media center? check
    Using a tablet to wirelessly surf the web/email? check
    Using a tablet as portable music and video player? check

    With the right specs and price, Apple could pull this off.

    cod black ops prestige icons. the lack ops prestige icons.
  • the lack ops prestige icons.

  • christene20
    Nov 11, 05:56 AM
    whenever a new virus emerged, Sophos would have an revise out inside minutes/hours, occasionally this was a provisional rectify, with a last type out a couple of hours later. Telephone support was very good with telephone responded in seconds. Used effectively no assets when running.

    cod black ops prestige icons. lack ops prestige icons.
  • lack ops prestige icons.

  • mscriv
    Apr 14, 10:23 AM
    But every American should be chipping in to solve the issues that we're facing.

    We're in the lifeboat, and the water's rising. Everybody pick up a pail and start bailing.

    Admittedly, I didn't read the article posted by rdowns, but from reading the quotes he put in the OP, I'd have to say I disagree somewhat with your comments. Sure, we should all be working together, but the point is that those who are making the most are not paying at the same share/percentage as those who are lower or middle income.

    Is it fair and in line with "everyone chipping in" if the person making $50,000 a year has to pay 20+% of their income, but the person making $1,000,000 a year only has to pay 16%?

    Additionally, let's not forget that there is a lot of tension between "everyone chipping in" and the select few who make the decisions about how what has been "chipped in" gets spent. I have no problem doing my part to pay taxes as I do benefit from roads, schools, etc., but I do have a problem with a lot of the wasteful ways in which tax money is spent. We could all benefit from some efficiency, improved budgeting, and controlled spending on the government level.

    cod black ops prestige icons. cod black ops prestige icons.
  • cod black ops prestige icons.

  • goMac
    Apr 18, 03:39 PM
    Have you seen Windows GUI? It's also almost identical - rows of icons and task bar at the bottom. Did Microsoft sue Apple? No.

    That's because Microsoft copied Apple (or NeXT really.) The NeXT dock predates the taskbar in Windows, and at the time a lot of people felt that's where Microsoft got the taskbar from.

    If you go back to Windows 3.1, no taskbar. And then suddenly Windows 95 which shipped after NeXTStep, there is a taskbar.

    cod black ops prestige icons. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Peace
    Sep 11, 02:20 PM
    Man..I can't think of anything that hasn't been mentioned here yet..

    I'll add :

    Sony HD Blue Ray Optical Drives for Mac Pros and external drives for other Macs.

    Airport A/V with Blue Ray Drive and Hard Drive..

    and one more thing..

    Whirled Peas:D

    cod black ops prestige icons. call of duty black ops prestige icons. COD Black Ops Prestige Edition; COD Black Ops Prestige Edition. bushido. Mar 22, 08:24 PM
  • call of duty black ops prestige icons. COD Black Ops Prestige Edition; COD Black Ops Prestige Edition. bushido. Mar 22, 08:24 PM

  • TedSlawski
    Aug 7, 06:02 PM
    Just ordered my Mac Pro!! :D

    Quad 3Ghz, 4GB ram, 250GB HD + 500 GB HD, X1900 XT 512MB, Bluetooth+Airport, wireless keyboard and mouse, 1 Superdrive (holding out for BluRay) 30" ACD... $8264.23 :eek:
    Estimated Ship Time... 3- 5 Weeks :eek: :eek:

    This is gonna be good.
    I got the base model, really don't find that graphic cards make much difference to me, RAM is usually less than half of what Apple wants in the aftermarket, putting my lightscribe in the other optical bay, Hard drives are usually close to free with my Staples office rewards, so I'll pick up the pieces to deck it out while I wait 3 weeks to get mine. Plus the place I bought it from gave me a $1200 trade in on my moderately upgraded original 2gig G5. I envy the 3gig processor though but that was financially just out of reach.

    cod black ops prestige icons. on Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • on Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • cdavis11
    Apr 26, 03:41 PM
    In related news, all models of Ford vehicles combined outsold the toyota prius.

    Film at 11.

    cod black ops prestige icons. Call of Duty Black Ops Wii
  • Call of Duty Black Ops Wii

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 3, 11:19 PM
    I always expected the four existing lines to go merom. It's pretty much a firmware update away from using existing hardware and the form factors used are more geared towards lower power chips.

    cod black ops prestige icons. New Call Of Duty Black Ops
  • New Call Of Duty Black Ops

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 07:54 PM
    PEMDAS... First time ever that I hear of it.
    I did no go to school in the US.

    So.. if the priorities are Parenthesis, then Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and lastly Substraction, using your rule:

    First whatever is inside the Parenthesis: 9+3=12


    Then Exponent: none

    Then Multiplication: 2(12) = 24
    Then Division: 48/24 = 2

    There you go...PEMDAS fans.

    No. That's not how it works. Once you get to multiplication/division, you go left to right. It's 288. And for those of you who get 2 by using calculators, any math teacher will tell you that calculators always get the rules of operations wrong. That's why we teach kids pemdas so they know what math to do first and they can use the calculators to help them do the parts of the equation they need help with.

    Which orifice did you pull the "*" from??? :p

    Not sure if u are joking but I'll answer you. Multiplication is implied when equations are written like this. Those who say an exponent is implied when written like this are simply wrong.

    cod black ops prestige icons. Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC

  • Rafterman
    Mar 27, 09:56 AM
    Yeah, cloud based video is going to work really well with those 2GB and 4GB data caps by the cell companies :rolleyes:

    cod black ops prestige icons. Call Of Duty Black Ops
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops

  • fuwafuwa
    Apr 18, 04:03 PM
    Not at all. They can use those components for producing Galaxy devices. And they can use free Foxconn resources (since they would not be assembling iPhones anymore) for assembling. :D

    Why not, because last year sales was "quite smooth".

    cod black ops prestige icons. cod black ops prestige symbols
  • cod black ops prestige symbols

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 01:38 PM
    I must say i just found this sight through google and had to join because of this post. I am a math teacher and the correct answer is 2

    48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)

    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288
    I feel sorry for your students because you are teaching them incorrect things

    No matter what you do you have to make an assumption as to what "/" means. Nobody over the age of 10 should be using that notation for this exact reason.

    Therefore, assume that author wanted to use "_" but couldn't as this is a forum not suited to equation writing and work from there. I believe the logical conclusion is 288, but that is not the same as saying the answer is 288.

    umm what the hell are you talking bout. / means divide plan and simple. No assumption are being made.
    In higher level class you go dot see that - with dots above and below it in anything more than maybe text books and even then it is not that common.

    Reason for it is the / is much clearer and less likely to be interpreted another operation (subtraction) by mistake. the / is very clear.
    honestly I can not think of the last time I used something other than the / for division. I might of been in Jr high so close to 15 years ago. I know I sure as hell never used anything but the / in my upper level math class (cal and beyond)

    cod black ops prestige icons. lack ops prestige icons. COD
  • lack ops prestige icons. COD

  • MattInOz
    Nov 27, 06:28 PM
    The original article here is based on this smarthouse article, and has a link to it :) So unfortunately, the plot stays the same :)

    What the hell do any of us know :). Interesting to speculate though.

    I'll have to ask my partner about the graphics stuff - she's a high end graphic designer and a painter. My first thought is "the touch screen can't mimic her hand tools"... I figure that the accuracy of where she's touching the screen, the pressure she's exerting etc, will not be enough for real work

    Yep a normal touch screen is limited, but then agian Apple have that patent application for a screen with camera pixels interlaced with normal pixels. If they have a screen close to production then a touch screen based on this would not only to do multi-touch control but could see the shape of the tool on the screen. Instead of using pressure to guess the shape the tool has made.

    Then again that just makes for another missing piece of the tech puzzle to make a device like this work well.

    There seems to be a couple of tech levels for such a device leading to the whole is it a iPod / PDA / laptop replacement. On the plus side i think most people given a quality device would prefer something touch based, pens brushes what ever they feel like.

    I think we'll see a new family of devices rolled out over a couple of years as the tech comes online. Much the same way the iPod grew.

    cod black ops prestige icons. FTR Call of Duty Black Ops
  • FTR Call of Duty Black Ops

  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 08:08 PM
    But likely not if the mood strikes you at 2 AM, or on a holiday.

    You don't have to convince me that downloads are good, again, I have been installing my OSes over the Internet since the 90s. Apple is late to this game.

    But the premise here was that it was "easier". It isn't. It might be more convenient for some people, but the Mac App Store doesn't make it any easier than it was from physical media.

    Aug 11, 09:45 AM
    dang, right after i go and buy a Macbook......:eek:

    Jul 23, 12:24 PM
    I too am holding out hope for a 13" MBP. The 13" MB isn't powerful enough graphically and the 15" MBP is too big.

    Besides, the aluminum is just stylin!

    Mar 29, 01:38 PM
    ...obviously, is the rollout of a "Kindle Tablet" running Honeycomb.

    The custom Amazon front end would have icons for:

    Kindle Reading App (and Kindle Store)
    Amazon Music Player (with cloud storage) and MP3 Store
    Amazon Prime Streaming Video (and the Amazon Video Store)
    Amazon Android App Store
    Cloud Storage Manager
    Some sort of Web Browser

    And underneath that is Honeycomb. Maybe they throw in a free Amazon Prime subscription with purchase (free 2-day shipping on Amazon purchases).

    Here would be Amazon leveraging all their strengths into a physical device that could seriously challenge the iPad in ways that no other vendor can, because it creates an Amazon "ecosystem" with the worlds biggest store for physical goods attached.

    People like to shop.

    Apr 25, 10:56 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.

    iOS uses services from a company called Skyhook to help with location tracking. they use GPS and wifi access points to pinpoint locations faster than GPS.

    a lot of android phones used to use it as well but in 2.1 or 2.2 google made it very hard to use anything except google for location. this is why a lot of android phones have slow GPS or it doesn't work as well indoors.

    if the data is sent to anyone it's probably to skyhook to improve their service. or maybe apple is doing something similar and building their own location database. do you really think that every time you use GPS it really sends a signal to outer space?

    Jul 30, 10:04 PM
    this is the rumor that comes out when there are no rumors.

    I know it's just a rumor that comes and goes just like the Mac Tablet, true video iPod, etc. However, the Intel rumors did materialise, so maybe, but from the source this story's coming from, I highly doubt.