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Thursday, May 19, 2011

hairstyles 2011

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  • gavers
    Mar 31, 09:51 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    I think you're on to something here. Personally I prefer colour icons, they're quite easy for me to recognise when I'm not using my glasses.

    But for the non-icon approach just take a look at Gmail for example -- no icons, just text links and it's easy to use. Hotmail recently switched to a mostly icon-free interface and I find it easier to use than the previous icon-ladened design. Then look at the usability nightmare that is Yahoo mail with its icon infested UI.

    Reading reviews for the Color app it seems that labelless icons are very unwelcome. And I agree, Color's cryptic unlabeled icons defy logic.

    As far as Mac OS X 10.7 goes I think they should either have colour icons or no icons at all. The gray icons are a waste of space. By the time I can make out what the icon is, I've already read the text next to it.

    Waht isn't monetined is taht plepoe raed msltoy by rcensignoig seaphs. Which is why you were able to read that sentence without much struggle, if any. So well defined icons with unique shapes would be good, or colours that stand out. But colourless, shapeless icons (such as in Mail.app) are all but useless.

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  • Chase R
    May 4, 10:10 PM
    My guess:

    They offer it on the Mac App Store, and on a USB stick (for about $10 more).

    I don't really see how the Mac App Store idea would work, though, since the drive needs to be (well, should be) formatted prior to installation.

    I'd opt for the physical OS.

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 5, 06:57 PM
    And while this little Apple - Toyota "thingy" is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement with Toyota:


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  • jwp1964
    Jul 22, 09:50 PM
    Does this current set of chips include some very low power consumption chips for use in the Apple ultra-portable I want so badly?:confused:

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 02:24 PM
    Just checked the Intel July price list: Prices per Woodcrest processor are $851, $690 and $316 for one chip running at 3.0, 2.66 or 2.0 GHz, that is $1702, $1380 and $632 for two processors.

    Somehow I suspect that Apple pays different prices, because you save $300 if you go down to 2 GHz and you pay $800 extra for 3.0 GHz. Should be the other way round according to the Intel price list. So the 2.66 GHz is a real bargain compared to the others.

    If you subtract the processors from the price, then you pay $1597, $1119 and $1567 for the three models.

    It's likely that Apple get a discount off all Intel products. The Dual-dual 2.66 GHz + X1900 XT seems like the sweet spot for me :)

    As a sidenote, it appears the PM G5 and XServe G5 are still available on the Apple Store.

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  • borgonuovo
    Mar 27, 09:40 AM
    when the white iphone comes out, will we see slightly improved hardware as well? (64gb? Better ANTENNA?) Let me know your thoughts... Will it be soon??? Thanks ! 1. Apple has yet to release any official sales numbers on iPad 2 - at least I haven't come across this anywhere (this would be a perfect piece of anecdotal information at the beginning of a media event)

    2. Phil Schiller said "white iPhone 4 coming spring 2011" (it's now officially Spring and we still haven't seen the white iPhone and therefore would make a nice 'Easter egg' with immediate availability also mentioned at the beginning of a media event)

    3. Apple has typically held iOS media event previews in April (not saying they would never break cycle, just stating the obvious)

    IDK, if I were a betting man, I'd say all signs still point to an April media event at which (during the beginning) SJ would announce official iPad sales numbers (for both U.S. and International launch weekends) as well as immediate availability of said white iPhone before proceeding to dive into some of the intricacies of iOS 5. Just my $0.02.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:20 AM
    I still don't get the outrage of many people.

    I can think of four reasons for outrage:

    1. People who are scared by the media and do not think it through enough to see the media have it wrong.

    2. People who like to stir up trouble for the sake of trouble.

    3. People who hate Apple and use any excuse to blast them, true or not.

    4. People who are paid to provide misinformation against Apple.

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  • jholzner
    Aug 4, 12:13 AM
    Steve does not have to announce any new products to say they are going to shift to Core 2 across the board ASAP. :)

    That's very true but my response wasn't to that statement but to this one:

    "MBP Merom anyone? Appleinsider has always been reliable...so this may happen. This WWDC is gonna be great!"

    I assumed that WWDC is going to be great because of MPB Merom which I don't think will be announced. :p

    I could be wrong.

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  • SiMBa37
    Mar 28, 11:27 AM
    AppleInsider makes a good point. The report is that the iPhone 5 will be released in the first half of fiscal year 2012 which starts in late September 2011. This will do 2 things: allow iPhone 5 to ship with iOS 5, and allow Apple to cash in on the Holiday season starting this coming September/October. This is just my own prediction.

    I'm in the 3GS camp too, so I won't lie and say I'm happy about this.

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  • milo
    Sep 11, 08:15 AM
    It also leaves the MBP. If it is not updated, I will likely be driven into a mad frenzy where I buy some other brand of laptop. Honestly, the things Apple is forcing me to do...

    It won't be updated tomorrow. But it will probably be updated as soon as later this week. Boo freaking hoo already, is it really that big a deal to wait a few days. And here's the big question: IS DELL EVEN SHIPPING MEROM LAPTOPS YET?

    They're obviously going to have a movie store, but I probably would rarely if ever use it. I'm just hoping for new nanos (higher capacity for the same price would be fine with me) and airport video. If they just have those two I'll be freaking extatic. Now if only my home network is reliable enough to handle a video stream...

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  • seek3r
    Apr 22, 01:22 AM
    It is trivial, in say my case, to SSH into a "workstation" type Mac Pro, say "Noble Mac Pro, run this really computational intensive code, I'll check back in a bit" and then SSH the output back to another machine when it's done. No muss, no fuss.

    Now imagine you have bunches of workstations...

    In my end of things we usually call that a cluster :-p

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  • pmz
    May 4, 03:24 PM
    Not exactly. You can always choose to go back to another date in the past.

    Assuming you know when the problem began.

    The further back you go, the better off you are just restoring to stock.

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  • exscape
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    this is a non-story sad steve jobs has to even reply to these stupid allegations
    People claim the iPhone saves cell location data on the phone, and also saves this file during iTunes backups. This is TRUE, and can be verified by reading your OWN iPhone database, which shows where YOUR phone has been. That would be impossible if it didn't save that data.

    SOME people (not most!) also claim that the data is sent to Apple, rather than just kept on the device. THIS, however, is unproven and may well be false.

    As it stands, though, I don't see how "The info circulating around is false." is not a lie. It's very easy to verify that "the info" that this data is indeed saved is true.

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  • pizzafunghi
    May 7, 04:03 PM
    I'd get it if it were free!!

    gmail is free... so why can't mobile me?

    Now I start thinking about it, I've never paid Google a single cent, but I use
    *Google search engine
    *Google maps
    *Google Earth
    (*And I used Picasa for a short period of time)

    Maybe some orther stuff but the point is... its all free!:)

    Google -> Advertising - Free Services
    mobile.me -> No Advertising - Paid Services

    mobile.me -> Free Services - iAds (thanks to Html5)
    iWork.com -> Free Services - iAds

    They are clearly entering googles market. Online services & advertising. I see Apple as the only company who could successfully compete with google.

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  • n00bst3r
    Sep 11, 03:25 AM
    n00bst3r predicts:

    1. Movie Store

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 9, 06:34 PM

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  • marvel2
    Nov 13, 10:47 AM
    Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.

    BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.


    I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.

    The key for making this purchase for me is to have at least the option to allow the calls to come in through the car's speakers while using the built-in mic on the dock.

    Also, the youtube video shows the guy had it stuck on his dash with the adhesive? Anyone have driver's point of view, pictures with it mounted with suction on the windshield? There's no way I'm sticking this thing to my dash.

    Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.

    I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Hand-Stands-Jelly-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Holder/2603163/product.html) and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/HandStands-GPS-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Mount/4341949/product.html), but its just too big for my tastes.

    What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area

    Here is their website (http://www.themacstore.com/locations/portland). They are an authorized third party Mac reseller sort of like MacMall, but with a physical location. You can try calling other third party Mac resellers in your area if you don't have "The Mac Store" in your area.

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 08:58 AM
    I barely meet the minimum qualifications, so in deference go other more skilled players, make me the eighth person if sign-ups (and interest) appear to stall.

    Game sounds intriguing, very D&D-like.

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  • gigidey
    Mar 26, 10:12 PM
    TechCrunch likely doesn't know jack about dates or new features in iOS 5. Just saying.

    They have a terrible track record. I think the fact that they're still going with the iPad 3 release this fall completely invalidates anything they're saying.

    Apr 21, 06:00 PM

    It makes a lot of sense. Quietly cooling two CPUs, a high-end GPU, 8 DIMMs and multiple drives in such a form factor makes me a little dubious. That and it seems pure hearsay on the part of 9 to 5 mac.

    Mods please don't lock this, discussion of Mac Pro related articles in the main news section is really hard to have as 90% of the posts are by people who have little interest or knowledge in the topic.

    May 4, 03:06 PM
    i intend to get mine on a disc rather then a download.

    Why can't you just download it and back it up on a USB key, or a thousand USB keys?

    Give me one good reason why you can't do that. If you're posting on Macrumors you have enough bandwidth to get it, just may have to wait a few minutes.

    Apr 5, 04:06 PM
    The problem is that people want to think of an iPhone as a PC. They apply PC analogies and logic. However the reality is that the cell industry has more in common with appliances or consoles. It's traditionally a heavily curated environment.

    Apple: Start with a "restricted" system and open it up to allow for PC like advantages. (The App Store is an example of this)

    Google: Start with an "open" system and lock it down to meet carrier needs and leverage the advantages of curation. (The Google Market place is an example of this)

    Apr 26, 03:29 PM
    This is not surprising and I'm sure Apple knew this day would come. Android is available on multiple handsets from multiple manufactures. Different price points, form factors, and even different looks with skins. The iPhone will continue to outsell any single Android phone and Apple will gain massive profits from it.

    Mar 30, 05:47 PM
    Please bring a huge UI overhaul. Lets see something new.

    New UI & Grand features is what is to be expected with this update.

    We already know that the aqua look is gone. The ios scrollbar shown on Lion is an example of the aqua leaving for good.

    I can see lots of the applications such as Safari, Contacts, Calender, mail, ect is going to get a new look.

    Very exciting to know that it's coming out this summer!