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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

canon rebel t1i 500d

canon rebel t1i 500d. NEW Gigs Canon EOS 500D (Rebel
  • NEW Gigs Canon EOS 500D (Rebel

  • paolo-
    Apr 9, 08:29 PM
    Mac'nCheese: I think that in elementary school you first learn to multiply and then to divide. So first you multiply and then you divide.

    That left to right rule is not following the order of the letters.
    So for this case it is not PEMDAS but PEDMAS...

    The Arabs give us the numbers that we use nowadays, and they do write from right to left.

    So your math teacher is telling us that Mac OS X is giving us a wrong answer...You might need to watch waiting for Superman.

    Why I think lots of people don't understand math and get frustrated at science/engineering and math is because they learn tricks instead of actually understanding what they are doing. (Not saying this is your case McGiord)

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon Rebel T1i/500D
  • Canon Rebel T1i/500D

  • Zadillo
    Aug 4, 04:13 PM
    Why not compare the sizes?

    If you look both MBP are 1" tall with the lid closed while the Sony TX series is 1.12" tall and the SZ is 1.5" tall (at the thickest... which is up near the drive area).

    That's not really true of the SZ series either. The SZ ranges from 0.9 to 1.33" or so, and the drive area is in the thin part of it at the front:


    canon rebel t1i 500d. T1i/500D Companion The
  • T1i/500D Companion The

  • Eidorian
    Mar 30, 10:56 PM
    I don't know why but my MBP 13 i7 2011 is showing "Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics" on the About this mac screen on Display tab.:eek:

    BTW I'm using an External Display.

    That's the graphic core onboard the Core i7 die. It doesn't change to ATi graphics when you use something graphically intensive?It is the 13" Macbook Pro. It only has Intel HD graphics.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i / 500D 100
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i / 500D 100

  • ScoopOZ
    Nov 27, 12:37 AM
    I have just been told that on a Sunday from home, Todd Rutherford, Microsoft�s e-Home Program Manager at Microsoft in Seattle contacted an Australian Company that is working on wireless speakers for Apple asking them for information.

    He claims that Microsoft is "keen to get everything they can on Apples e home activities including media centres, wireless initiatives and tablet PC initiatives.

    Does anyone know of any third party Companies in the US that have lodged patents for Apple related home entertainment technology?

    I know who to talk to in Taiwan but I am keen to chase down the US firms that are working with Apple on new home entertainment automation.

    I am also told that Apple is working on an open standard type technology for the home that other Companies can license.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. canon-rebel-t1i-500d-497.jpg
  • canon-rebel-t1i-500d-497.jpg

  • entatlrg
    Apr 25, 11:12 AM
    Facts? Who cares. We want DRAMA.

    The Press sure sucks a lot of people in. Or, is there a lot of people in waiting to be sucked in by the Press?

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i (500d) SLR
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i (500d) SLR

  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 12:58 PM
    Wouldn't it be something if Apple sold one of the first unlocked phones from the get-go.

    You walk into an Apple store, they have the iPhone in GSM form.. and you get a trade-in discount for your old phone.. the Apple reps pop-out your sim card, transfer your contacts.. and hand you an ipod like phone that has all your old info in it and works with your current plan.


    canon rebel t1i 500d. canon eos rebel t1i 500d
  • canon eos rebel t1i 500d

  • sunspot42
    May 6, 03:03 AM
    Would make sense. Intel's x86 chips serve many masters, most of them not Apple. None of them are optimized for X, let alone iOS. Most of them at the high end are designed for servers and the like, not tablets and laptops. Apple would rather see that precious silicon - and the power it consumes - reserved for things they find important. Not for what Steve Ballmer thinks is important. Or some HP server boffin.

    In contrast, Apple designs their own ARM chips now, getting exactly what they want.

    I could see this happening. Apple switches their whole product lineup to ARM chips that it designs in house . . .

    And that it has Intel manufacture, since Intel is the best fab operation in the world.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. canon eos 500d digital rebel
  • canon eos 500d digital rebel

  • M87
    Apr 20, 12:53 AM
    I don't think I'll be upgrading if that's all it is.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS 500D Firmware 1.1.0
  • Canon EOS 500D Firmware 1.1.0

  • QuarterSwede
    Nov 24, 08:13 AM
    Yet the hardware arm of Palm has said it might not buy the new sytem from the software arm.
    That's like shooting yourself in the foot! Morons!

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i (500D):
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i (500D):

  • DavidLeblond
    May 4, 03:01 PM
    Why put it in the App Store if it isn't an App?

    Because it has a payment system and delivery system in place.

    But it isn't an app. It's an OS upgrade.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon-EOS-500D-Rebel-T1i-DSLR-
  • Canon-EOS-500D-Rebel-T1i-DSLR-

  • Rocketman
    Nov 26, 12:23 PM
    700 MHz processor equivalent
    16 GB storage
    256 MB ram
    3 hours of battery life (1.5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $999.

    I think a successful device would need

    1.2 GHz processor equivalent
    80 GB storage
    1 GB RAM
    8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $699.

    I think a successful device would need

    0.7 GHz processor equivalent
    16 GB flash
    60 GB HD storage
    4 hours of battery life playing an iTunes movie
    12 hours as a remote

    estimated cost to consumer:
    included with iTV breakout box. $500
    included with HDMI widescreenTV's $1500
    separately as a "True video iPod" $300


    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon Eos Rebel T1i 500d Slr
  • Canon Eos Rebel T1i 500d Slr

  • mikejfrd
    Mar 27, 10:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well my source tells me that whenever the next generation iPhone comes out ATT will have exclusive rights to it for a few months before verizon. How/why I have no idea, I'm just relaying info.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Focus Screen for CANON 500D
  • Focus Screen for CANON 500D

  • Thunderbird
    Aug 7, 05:15 PM
    Anyone specs about noise level (db) when..?:

    - Sleep.
    - Idle.
    - Low load.
    - Medium load.
    - High load.
    - Maximum load


    Thanks for raising the noise question. My thoughts exactly. Since there wasn't a case redesign, I suspect the noise specs to be similar to G5.


    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i 500D For
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i 500D For

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 12, 02:35 PM
    As the promo in the UK ends on the 7th October, does that mean I won't see them filter through until then?

    It's a shame if it is.

    Why do some end in September and others in October?


    "* Buy a qualifying Mac and an iPod from the online Apple Store or an Apple retail store � purchase must be made between August 1st and October 7th � and receive a mail-in rebate up to �100 (UK) / �160 (Ireland). Terms and Conditions apply. "

    I need one so soon!

    The promo has nothing to do with new launches...they are completely independent and serve a public that is not interested nor in need of a cutting-edge notebook. The combo MB x iPod is wonderful for most, and it will be attractive even if the Merom notes are in the market.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. canon rebel t1i 500d.
  • canon rebel t1i 500d.

  • wschutz
    Mar 30, 05:56 PM
    MacRumors is keeping up with this obvious error. I doubt Lion will be ready even by the WWDC. A summer release is what I predict.

    Thanks Captain Obvious... I think that is what Apple said at the very beginning ;)

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i / 500D 100
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i / 500D 100

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 26, 04:52 PM
    did you need to use that manual to help operate the phone?

    honestly I think android is just as intuitive and easy to use as ios. I can't believe people actually say they don't understand how to use android. for god sakes my 8 year old nephew figured out his dad's android phone after a 30 minutes of playing with it.

    I prefer ios for it's elegance but android isn't tough to use at all...

    Yes, I did need to use the Android manual... a lot!

    I'll bet the 8 year-old relative figured out how to play the games, but did he add names to the address book, download photos to a computer, or set alarms and calendar events? Did he figure out how to get the phone pad to reappear when it disappeared just as he was about to enter a number?

    I'm often confronted with a choice of "A" or "B" with the Android phone when I real desire is to do neither. There is no intuitive way to back out of that screen nor lead me to do what I wish.

    Apple products are far more intuitive than other products. They just don't look better but the whole user experience is better.

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D
  • Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D

  • Mousse
    May 3, 10:00 AM
    And people sound less obese when stating their weight in kilograms. ;)

    No need for Enzyte. Just switch to centimeters and guys will brag to no end.;)

    canon rebel t1i 500d. canon rebel t1i accessories.
  • canon rebel t1i accessories.

  • OllyW
    Mar 29, 09:40 AM
    Also you can't purchase either mp3's or video from Amazon if you originate from a non-US IP address.

    You can buy MP3s from Amazon UK (http://www.amazon.co.uk/MP3-Music-Download/b/ref=sa_menu_dm1?ie=UTF8&node=77197031).

    canon rebel t1i 500d. Canon 500D EOS. Skull Leader
  • Canon 500D EOS. Skull Leader

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 02:56 PM
    I would get a new iMac now if I knew that Lion would run SL pricing at $29. Otherwise I will wait for a preload. But obviously pricing and a release date won't be forthcoming prior to WWDC at the earliest. Guess we will know more in about 5 weeks.

    On yesterday's MacBreak Weekly they were talking about this. The consensus was that the d/l version will be ultra cheap similar to SL b/c Apple wants people to migrate quickly. And then there will be a retail box that will sell for more for those who either can't or don't want to d/l. There is a patter of this in iLife, iWork, Aperture, etc., where the d/l version is much less expensive than the retail box.

    May 7, 10:21 AM
    I get the feeling they are not really making any money on it, so it would make sense to give it away as a benefit of "using a mac."

    Huh? If they aren't making any money for it now (with relatively few people paying for the service) how would it make sense to give it away for free (with many many more people not paying for it?)

    I for one use it ALL the time. When you have more than one device (multiple macs, iphone), it's SO nice to have them sync wirelessly, immediately, and without having to login every time, on the native apps. iCal, Contacts, Safari links: I am a very frequent user of the mobileme syncing on all of these.

    Nov 26, 02:56 PM
    I think such a device would fit nicely between the iPod with video and full blown laptops. If you couple this with an e-book reader. *coughs*ereader.com*coughs* I wouldn't run to the Apple store. I'd physically smash through the mall doors with my car and drive up to the store.

    Apr 23, 11:14 PM
    Just tell me who to pay!

    Apr 7, 02:32 PM
    A lot of the comments on this thread is about competition. How Apple is stiffling the competion by scooping up all of the important parts, thus leaving nothing for the other OEMs.

    I call BS.

    If we all want Apple to have competition, then the HPs and Samsungs of the world need to step up and compete. They need to develop something that creates enough demand where they can buy up millions upon millions of parts.

    Apple developed a product that has enough demand that warrants the purchase of millions of screens. If someone else developed a product that had such demand, then they should/could corner the market for a particular part. The fact of the matter is that none of the iPad competitors have anything novel enough to differentiate it from the iPad.

    Here's what the competitors should do. Don't follow Apple into the tablet/slate market. You won't win. Instead, develop the next big thing. Invest millions of dollars into developing the next device and hope that you had the skills to hit it big. That's what they should be doing, not copying the iPad.

    I'd be willing to bet that Apple has about 10 different things they're working on right now that will be replacing the iPad as the next big thing. They'll probably work on these items until they get them right. Then they'll polish it to a blinding sheen. And then they'll release it to great fanfare.

    This is what Sammy, HP, LG, Moto, et al need to be competing against. They've already lost to the iPad. The war is over. Don't lose the next war against Apple's next big thing.

    Mar 31, 08:13 AM
    Does anyone know if you can now print highlighted text like you can in Windows? Since they're adding the age old full-screen window feature, I think this feature would also be a welcome addition.

    Don't forget the CUT. OS X still can't cut file and paste in another place.