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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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  • princealfie
    Nov 26, 05:06 PM
    ********ing A. It's about time. I can't wait to retire my Toshiba Tablet PC. This would be an awesome thing for my artwork and drawing and sketching if they can get this right. Go Apple iTablet!

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  • unlinked
    Apr 25, 11:14 AM
    Correct, and that's why Steve is telling the truth unlike the trolls pretending this is an Apple conspiracy. That file is stuck on your hard disk and goes nowhere. Delete it and you don't even have that (as I did months ago when this story first broke). I tried the mapping tool and it won't work on my machine because consolidated.db cannot be found. Yet my iPhone works just fine, and Location Services works fine too.

    Apple has never grabbed this information.

    Android, on the other hand, exists so that it can serve advertiser's needs. Apple has been Opt In, but Android is Opt Out, which means your data gets transmitted to advertisers by default. You bet they track you on Droids. That's the entire business model.

    So the database exists for no reason at all? Sounds somewhat unlikely to me.

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  • erikh
    Sep 15, 04:22 PM
    So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?

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  • foureyedsoul
    Jul 30, 07:45 PM
    But then the acronym would iPP :D

    True - but in order to make long-time Mac users feel like they're the "in-crowd", they could call it the "Wild iPP" (pronounced: "eep")!:D

    All it would take for me to become seriously interested in an Apple-branded phone would be for it to have an easy way to sync iCal and Address Book with my Mac, although if they're actually making one I assume they'll put some nano-sized music storage on it to keep it in line with the iPods.

    Apple's all over "ease-of-use" strategy implies that they could definitely be the first company to make something that's a PDA, phone, and music player in one that doesn't look like a prop from an old cyberpunk B-movie - and is priced for consumers rather than business users, of course.

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  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 01:50 PM
    The Mac Pros sound great... I'm getting one! I hope to wait for quads-on-one-chip (Kentsfield, due later this year) in hopes of even more cost reduction, but I already like what I see today! And I'm curious: how good are the top BTO GPU options?

    A smaller case seemed likely to me, but keeping the same case and fitting more expansion bays makes good sense too. But how about a mid-range tower? The market is there, and now you can't GET a dual-core Mac with choice of GPU--it's all quads. Sounds like there's a hole in the lineup. I bet Apple fills it... but "when" is the question. A dual-core Conroe headless with upradable GPU... I think it would sell well and draw Switchers, especially if priced as nicely as the new pro machines are.

    Now we enter the era of "Merom MacBook Pros next Tuesday!" rumors :p

    Anything that wasn't mentioned today can still come at any time :)

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  • ickies
    Aug 7, 05:06 PM
    I absolutely cannot believe airport and bluetooth are still options on the Pros. They are standard on EVERY other model. What the hell, Apple?

    I am very much a pro user and I very much have no use for airport or bluetooth. So I'm glad that it's not being forced on me.

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  • outlawarth
    Apr 20, 01:10 PM
    All of these September iPhone rumors leave three possibilities:

    1) Apple failed to plug all of its leaks and there are genuine sources providing this information, and as a result, the iPhone 5 will really be out in September.

    2) Apple is intentionally testing the waters to not only see where remaining leaks are, but also to encourage iPhone 4 sales to not drop off during the late spring/early summer.

    3) The original September rumor began from an untested source and spent enough time on the merry-go-round to be viewed as "legitimate" by larger media outlets.

    I agree. While obviously all 3 are equally possible #2 and #3 seem most likely to me.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 06:15 PM
    Multiplication is always what you do, when there is a term directly adjacent to the ().

    "Oh, I did not know that!!" - Johnny Carson, The Tonight Show

    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.

    Finally, humour.

    Check your IMOS battery. I think it's failing. :p

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 07:42 AM
    I'd like to make sure of some things.

    The villain started with 0 points. He then earned 2 points by taking two turns.

    We did our thing

    He took two more turns earning 2 more points for 4 total. He obviously used at least one point to make a goblin. So he had 3 or less points, depending on whether he bought more traps. They could be anywhere, even far from where we currently are (e.g., he could be putting defenses around his lair. )

    Do I have that straight?

    You got all that correct.

    ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
    vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
    vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
    vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
    vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 4, 05:26 PM
    1 - This is nothing new, and Apple is just being honest...the PB 12 and 15 were famous leg toasters as well...the times of the cool G3 are over long ago.

    2 - it's at least 3 hours...no similar PC notebook does that...and the G4 wasnt better either.

    3 - more space, perhaps?

    Well this depends upon which G4 PB you compare it to.

    I have the last PB G4 revision 17 inch. It runs comforably cool and I easily get 5+ hours of battery life under normal use. I don't even use the power saving functions. I usually run my display brightness about 3/4 of the way up.

    I play DVD movies quite often and I can play two back to back 2 hour movies before my batteries need recharging.

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  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 10:50 AM
    Wow, a new iPad3 AND a new phone. Guess I will have to cash in some worthless Bank of America stock next year. Not that it will be worth anymore then than now. Yuck. (the stock, not the new iToys)

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  • PecanEater
    Apr 5, 01:03 PM
    Lame. You can be sure Toyota will capitulate to the Apple strong arm.

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  • OneMike
    Mar 30, 09:40 AM
    Apple would block it because it gives preference to Amazon's MP3 store over iTunes. No point in even trying. Just wait, MobileMe revamp will make all of us happy.

    That's one thing I hate about the whole iOS situation.

    To get an app accepted you have to go by Apple's rules.

    Developers should be able to design whatever apps they want and as with the Mac App store. Developers have the option to include app in the store and make sure it meets Apple's requirements or sell on their own.

    User has the ability to purchase and install apps in or outside of the app store.

    MobileMe may be revamped and if so as a MobileMe user I would be able to take advantage. This won't help the people that don't use MobileMe though.

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  • david77
    Apr 25, 10:30 AM
    yes there is a problem. because it's unencrypted and everyone with access to your phone can read the information. the software tool they published showed my travel of the last 6 month quite accurately.

    I don't want someone picking up my phone from my desk at work and find out what trips to what company I did. (it works internationally btw)

    also I don't think the IRS or other tax collection agencies need to know when I was where.:D

    Who is "everyone" with access with your phone? And my iPhone is either right next to me at my desk/home and in my pocket 99% of the time.

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  • kesnut
    May 9, 05:55 AM
    It's naive to assume that Apple won't use MobileMe data in the future to serve you ads.

    Given the [lack of acceptable] performance of the current service, all of these things are just going to be painful to use. If they can devote some more bandwidth to them, I could see it being a hit.

    i am hoping that the new datacentre will improve the current problems that we mobileme uses are experience.

    and i yes those are a great idea
    free mobileme with iads
    paying users no ads
    one can hope, i don't want ads in my mail, i have yahoo and gmail for that.. :)

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 10, 07:55 AM
    Depending on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    What a thread.

    The premise is incorrect from the start - this is not a mathematical problem, it is a problem of noting a very simple formula using ASCII characters only, and deciding how that sequence of ASCII characters should be interpreted.

    The "PEMDAS" rule was quoted, which is apparently used to drill children in the USA and remove any inkling of mathematical talent from their tiny little brains. PEMDAS has nothing to do with mathematics. It is about interpretation of a textual representation of a formula.

    Someone went so far to ask "do you think you are more intelligent than a calculator"? What a stupid question. Even the most stupid poster here on this thread has an intelligence that is far superior to that of any calculator.

    When you write down a formula, it is essential to write it down in a way that doesn't leave room for interpretation, and in a way that survives the limitations of the medium involved. This wasn't done here. Whatever the original poster wrote went through some major textual manipulation. It went through a web browser, a "POST" command, was interpreted by the MacRumors server software, translated into HTML, and then displayed on my screen. There is no way for me or anyone else to know what the user actually posted. And to the majority of posters here, whatever rules are tought to children in the US school system don't apply.

    Trying to give an answer to the question is just stupid, when it is clear that nobody knows what the original poster actually meant when writing down the formula. It would have been very simple to either write (48/2) * (9+3) or 48 / (2 * (9 + 3)) where in each case there would have been agreement how to interpret this. That didn't happen; any attempt of interpreting the text as given is pointless.

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  • Hattig
    Jul 30, 07:13 AM
    Someone above mentioned the software that would be required on the Windows side for syncing.

    Well, in the supposed leaked 10.5 screenshots a month or two ago, people noticed that iCal and Address Book appeared to be merged into a single application.

    Apple's got its interface libraries and more working on Windows already - iTunes, Quicktime. I'm sure that whilst not simple, it wouldn't be too hard to get this new PIM application running on Windows. Same with iPhoto, for camera phone pictures.

    So the iPhone's Windows software pack would comprise of iTunes, iPhoto, and iCal/iPIM. Clearly iPIM will have iSync capability integrated into it, much like iTunes and iPhoto manage their own data syncing themselves. I hope there is a way to sync text and multimedia messages too. Indeed iPIM may be more targetted for these phones, and include necessary photo syncing capabilities from iPhoto itself.

    On the Mac, the iPIM (someone think of a better name!) app may be separate from iCal/Address Book/iPhoto/etc, but merely sync the data to each of these applications' datastores, whilst providing a simplified GUI interface for each of these datatypes in a single application.

    What do other people think?

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  • Jape
    Dec 16, 12:15 AM
    just received an email detailing that BLT has an updated eta for 12/20

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  • tekmoe
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    Sep 11, 09:10 AM

    And Radiohead.

    I wonder about these two -- three before Dave Matthews Band came aboard -- everytime there's a major music announcement.

    Jul 30, 11:54 AM
    If this ever happens, I would bet the farm that Apple will do it with their own MVNO. I would make a reasonable guess that this MVNO would be based on Sprint.

    In every facet, Apple is about the fully-inegrated Apple end-to-end solution. The one time I can think of where they tried it (ROKR), it was a dismal failure. Why would Apple create an unbelievable phone, just to have the likes of VERIZON cripple every feature on it?

    I would guess Sprint because they are the only company that has reasonably-priced high-speed data. Apple surely would want access to a high-speed data network, and Sprint's Power Vision is very cheap and already fairly widespread.

    I think the killer feature would be iChat Mobile... To be able to video chat with your friends on the go -- people would eat it up. I don't know why no one has done it yet, as it seems the technology is already there.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out, if it ever does at all. I don't think there have been any successful MVNOs, but Apple is the one who could pull it off.

    Apr 22, 01:01 AM
    Pros and cons to both.m
    On desktop, you don't risk kicking it...but it takes up space that can be used for other stuff...speakers, screen, scanner, printer, wacom...
    On the floor, it's out of the way, but more risk to kicking it, or, if you have a cup of coffee or something on the desk, you risk it spilling and going in the tower.
    I'd put mine on my desk if I had one just because that's how one of the desktop design labs is set up at the college, and I'm just used to that.

    Nov 3, 07:06 PM
    I just received notice that the tomtom car kit I ordered from Bottom Line Telecommunications has shipped, and should be here in a couple of days. I paid $90 shipped. (Don't know if they have any more in stock.) I expect it will be available elsewhere online for discounted prices soon.

    I agree that it would be nice if it were cheaper, but if you add up a separate quality car mount, power cable, hands free kit, and external gps, you're going to be close or over $90 in any case. So maybe it's a luxury, but not a ridiculous one. Everyone with an iphone is paying at least $840 a year for the privilege of using it, and if all you wanted was cell phone service you could pay half that. So if you think it's too expensive, don't buy it; but I don't know why so many feel they have to act so outraged over the cost.

    Oh - BTW - Anyone know if they are planning to stock them in Apple stores?

    As for the price - everyone complains that it is too expensive for "a mount". But, it's not just a mount. A simple mount wouldn't be worth more than about $30. It's got a GPS chip in it that is similar in quality to a standalone units GPS chip, plus a speaker (the built-in speaker isn't loud or clear enough) and a mic. I understand the enhanced GPS chip is accessed via Bluetooth, so other GPS programs can use it instead of the on-board GPS chip. It can serve as a handsfree speakerphone, so no need to buy a car kit if your car doesn't support Bluetooth (mine don't).

    All together, I honestly do think this price tag is a little high - it would be more reasonable at $99, but I'm still thinking seriously about getting one.

    Jul 30, 08:39 PM
    umm....that magazine add looks rather real to me. WTF?:eek:

    on another note, Vodafones 3G network here in NZ has video calls as standard on every phone they sell for the network. Its not revolutionary, they have had it since December last year. It doesnt cost any more than a regular mobile to mobile call. oh, and the person calling is the only one who pays (the fact that americans pay to answer a call is insane).:eek:

    They also have an itunes sized music library that you can browse and download to your phone ( its 3.50NZD per track, which is about $2 USD). Its quite popular seeing as Apple has chosen not to have an Itunes store in New Zealand. They have sold hundreds of thousands of ipods, but there is nowhere to download songs legally. stupid huh? :(

    We pay full retail for most phones, but we aren't locked into any sort of contract. And to the person who said txting should be banned from apples phone: why call someone for ten times the price of a SMS text when you dont need too?:confused: