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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

prince william balding

prince william balding. prince william bald 2011.
  • prince william bald 2011.

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    It's a speed bump, if anything.

    Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:

    prince william balding. prince william balding 2010.
  • prince william balding 2010.

  • Dreamer2go
    Apr 20, 12:34 AM
    faster processor = good
    the iphone 4's chassis looks very sexy already....... no need redesign, honestly.

    hope for AWESOME battery life
    iOS 5 =)

    iOS 5 + iphone 5 compatibility = a sold to me!

    prince william balding. prince william balding 2011.
  • prince william balding 2011.

  • kntgsp
    Apr 5, 11:58 PM
    I can understand Apple's concern here it could give the impression to an uneducated user that it is OK to jailbreak their phone

    It is ok to jailbreak your phone. There isn't the slightest thing wrong with doing so.

    prince william balding. prince william balding.
  • prince william balding.

  • PsyD4Me
    May 7, 07:25 PM
    MobileMe + iAds = FREE
    MobileMe + Pro Features = $99.99


    prince william balding. now on Prince William will
  • now on Prince William will

  • farmboy
    Apr 21, 03:38 PM
    I hope so, it would give confidence amongst "Mac Shops" that Apple is serious about its corporate / pro business.

    That's right, even if Apple never makes it into big enterprise, I think there's a lot of money to be made serving small business, and a little attention would pay off for everybody.

    prince william balding. prince william balding prince
  • prince william balding prince

  • ryboflavo
    Jul 30, 01:13 PM
    I'd say get the Nokia 6682 until January, which is when the Apple phone is more likely to be announced. Just a guess, I doubt Apple would announce such a product at WWDC. Who knows? By the way, the Nokia 6682 is probably the best phone on the market right now. Cosmetically, it's decent and fuctionally, it out performs most. Good size for phone for those who actually like holding a phone to your ear and yet, small enough to carry around.

    January, and probably won't be called in iPhone. Apple will innovate a whole new concept to music and how we use cell phones. Let's not limit our thinking to just iPods and cell phones. I read an article awhile back about Apple's interest in the high-speed Internet market (for cell phones). Imagine if calling someone was more like an audio/video chat instead. Now that would be sweet.


    prince william balding. prince william bald 2011.
  • prince william bald 2011.

  • Chundles
    Aug 3, 01:21 AM
    It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

    It's not scientific at all. No way in hell is it scientific. I should know, I'm a scientist, got a degree and everything.

    I would expect Merom to show greater performance but with a similar battery life.

    Unless.....Apple are bringing back the old modular battery compartments... :eek:

    prince william balding. is prince william balding. is
  • is prince william balding. is

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 04:51 PM
    Sounds good. Hope it happens for those waiting for it.

    Yeah, so we can all shut up and be happy. :)

    In the last couple of weeks I was predicting Photokina, but I had changed my mind yesterday, thinking of the new iMacs as precedent--release the iMac, follow with an event the next week. Release the Macbook Pro C2D (Tuesday the 19th), follow with an event the next week (Monday the 25th.) I still kind of stand behind this, but I'll be happy either way, though I would be happier if they released them on the 19th.

    Though the Macshrine site lists Photokina as happening on September 14--yesterday. :confused:

    The Photokina event on September 14th

    prince william balding. prince william bald spot.
  • prince william bald spot.

  • MrSmith
    Mar 28, 10:12 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.
    My 2-year contract finishes next month and my 3G is almost inoperative. No way I want to buy into the antenna problems with a 4. Glad you're happy though.

    prince william balding. Prince William balding Page 1
  • Prince William balding Page 1

  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 12, 08:56 AM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

    Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.

    prince william balding. prince william bald 2011. as
  • prince william bald 2011. as

  • BootstrapMetal
    Aug 4, 11:21 AM
    I do not believe that Apple should wait to announce their new 64 bit systems. They should (and could) give promos of complete overhauls of their entire Mac lineup. (Final propaganda for iMac Ultra)

    I think that Apple should concentrate on getting lots of switchers. Apple probably care about us old "maccies", because, of course, it is very rare for a mac user to change to using the Operating System That Must Not Be Named.

    I therefore think Apple promoing iMacs, Macbooks, MBPs, MPs, MMs, etc. would be in their best interest, as potential switchers would know that Apple intends to bring out cool machines as soon as they can, if not immediately. Sure, it would impact on initial sales, as no-one would buy any of their computers between then and the shipping date, however, Apple would catch many fence-sitters who would otherwise bite the bullet and buy a much cheaper (and much more pathetic) PC after Steve's Keynote.

    Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.

    Like someone else said, That is exactly my case! I am carefully awaiting a Core 2 Duo version of the iMac. It's the only thing holding me down right now.

    prince william balding. prince william bald 2011.
  • prince william bald 2011.

  • baryon
    May 7, 10:34 AM
    That would be cool, though I'm still not sure why MobileMe is so useful, all in all it's just wireless syncing over the internet right? Like when you add an iCal event on your iPhone, it appears on your computer without having to connect the cable?

    prince william balding. prince william bald spot; kate
  • prince william bald spot; kate

  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 29, 08:44 PM
    Of course Verizon will wait two years before they decide to adopt it into their lineup.

    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    prince william balding. prince william baldness is
  • prince william baldness is

  • pika2000
    Mar 27, 01:44 AM
    Cloud based music and video streaming? LOL. Good luck doing that on 200MB cap with AT&T. :rolleyes:
    This is why the iPhone will never be sold unlocked in the US. I bet Apple would be forced to do another deal with AT&T and/or Verizon to give them somekind of a break on the data plans so these could-based services will be actually usable.

    prince william balding. prince william bald. prince
  • prince william bald. prince

  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 16, 11:55 AM
    Exactly...a 12 incher with Core 2 Duo, backlit keyboard and a reasonable GPU is all I need...nothing really fancy.

    That would be nice, but it seems unlikely. Apple seem to consider the black MacBook the small "professional" laptop. Maybe it'll get a descrete GPU though, that would be pretty good, no?

    prince william balding. is prince william going ald.
  • is prince william going ald.

  • Jelite
    Mar 29, 01:37 PM
    I don't trust corporate clouds, especially with a service that Sony is clearly gunning for legally.

    I suggest Subsonic. It streams music from your Mac or PC to your iPhone, Android phone, or Win7 phone. It also allows you to stream from another computer via a web browser. And it's free! Own your data, create your own cloud.


    This is exactly what im talking about, why pay for cloud storage when you already have all you need to make your own?

    prince william balding. Prince William
  • Prince William

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 18, 02:54 PM
    Wow apple is way out of line here, this is not right. That's like if the first company to create a netbook sued every other company who made a netbook afterward.

    prince william balding. prince william bald 2011.
  • prince william bald 2011.

  • Pixel35
    Sep 16, 10:34 AM
    Give us back the 12". It�s all I'm asking.

    prince william balding. is prince william balding. is
  • is prince william balding. is

  • stuffradio
    May 7, 02:58 PM
    Not sure what you guys think about this, but I think it would make sense on the iPhone if they somehow integrate iAds into it... otherwise I'm not sure why they would take a $99 service and make it free.

    Aug 4, 01:01 PM
    I don't see why Apple would put a mobile chip into the iMac. I bought one for my work around a month ago and yes, its portable but not that portable.

    Don't look now but the current Intel iMac has a laptop/SFF chip and chipset in it it. :eek:

    Aug 12, 04:05 PM
    If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...

    I don't understand.

    I think the update will come before Septemver 16th. If I order before the 16th I can take advantage of the free iPod. I don't care if this means order, ship in x weeks.

    May 7, 12:27 PM
    I joined Mobile Me (.Mac) in 2003 and haven't looked back.

    What I like:
    1. Amazing SPAM filtering (less than 25 SPAM emails since 2003)
    2. Keychain sync between my 3 Macs
    3. Calendar sync between my iPhone / Mac
    4. Bookmark sync between my iPhone / Mac
    5. Preferences sync between my 3 Macs
    6. Secure iChats
    7. Disposable email aliases
    8. Find my iPhone / Remote wipe (could be very handy)

    What I don't like:
    1. iDisk whenever I have used is painfully slow and unreliable
    2. iPhoto album publish is slow and unreliable
    3. Price

    Just my opinion and I intend to pay again this year if it's not free, if it is free I hope they maintain the good points and improve the bad points.

    May 6, 05:46 AM
    Why migrate at all? Why not support both architectures? They do now. Intel for the high performance guys and ARM for the cheap and easy guys.

    The iPad is already positioned as a notebook replacement for the light web surfing, e-mail, e-Book crowd. An ARM based "executive" laptop that extends this for presentations, light document work, etc is just plain obvious.

    Aug 11, 10:35 AM
    so once these are released, what are the chances if my MBP was broken Apple Care would replace it with a new Core 2 Duo one?It's possible. I've heard of iBooks replaced with MacBooks and iMac G5's with Intel ones.