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Monday, May 16, 2011

garrett hedlund girlfriend pictures

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  • 0815
    Apr 5, 02:47 PM
    Maybe now Apple realizes that they must allow some things on their devices like themes. Or not...

    What makes you think this? Because Toyota pulled it after Apple asked them friendly to do so?

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  • ergle2
    Sep 17, 02:32 AM
    I don't think you have to worry... I highly doubt a keyboard change. I would love a little more key travel on the current MBP keyboard, but obviously they would have to make the MBP thicker - so I'll live ;)

    I don't remember who said it (after reading over 200 posts!), but I agree that the MBP 15'' 1-3 day shipping vs the 17'' 5-7 (or was it 8-10) day shipping is merely due to lower stock on the 17'', not a sign of a 17'' only update. I would think they probably manufacture and sell at least 2X the number of 15'' vs 17'' MBP's.

    Apple wants their Pro line to be visibly different at a glance. This has been true for years. I don't see that changing now. Based on that, I agree with you that it's unlikely they'd adopt an MB keyboard for the MBP. They certainly don't want people to think it's "just" a silver MB, after all!

    I'd figure on the 15" sales being considerably higher than just double due to the 17" being considerably more expensive.

    Of course, it's arguable they serve different markets with some overlap rather than being in direct competition...

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  • jholzner
    Aug 11, 09:08 AM
    It sure does. Quite exciting really. I think all consumer products will get Core 2 Duo (merom + conroe) in September. Although, seeing as Merom is socket compatable with the current line up, I dont think we will see a Conroe in the iMac.

    I tend to agree that they may use Merom in the iMac but since they put Woodcrest in the Mac Pros it gives me hope that they won't use Merom in the iMac and just use it in the portable line where they really belong.

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  • Garrett Hedlund Actor Garrett

  • oneighturbo
    Sep 16, 08:21 PM
    well i just placed my order for a 15" MBP 2.0 base model w/ an iPod 60GB

    i chatted with a rep and pointed out that i have 14 days to return. i have 30 days to submit the iPod rebate (which requires a upc cut from MBP box)

    so my status shows ship date of the 19th and arrival of the 26th!

    so kinda in a pickle with dates but the 60GB will only cost me $120 in the end.

    BTW, Im a first time mac buyer even though ive used em for years at work!


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  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

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  • mozmac
    Jul 29, 09:56 PM
    what will become of the rockr?

    Steve Jobs has stated that the ROKR was a great learning experience for Apple engineers. Apple probably licenses iTunes to Motorola for their phones, so could still exist even with an Apple competitor. Anything made by Apple will simply blow the ROKR and SLVR right out of the water. People can stick with them if they want, but they will be severely limited in comparison to what Apple makes. And if they aren't licensing iTunes to Moto right now, it's probably built into the contract that if they make their own branded phone, iTunes will become a licensed product.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 05:49 PM
    Anything can be confusing and "ambiguous" if you throw enough uninitiated at a situation. It's just that people that lack proper knowledge or training would rather say something is "ambiguous" than admit that the problem lies with them.

    Always blame somebody else for problems, never yourself.

    Pretty much

    You get 288 if you know what you are doing and do not make the necessary assumptions that you have to make in order to get 2

    Having passed through college or any math class doesn't prove anything, even that someone is working in a particular field doesn't necessarily make it an expert in the subject.

    When your job relies on solving equations and manipulating them, you can bet it does as far as understanding the fundamentals of solving equations

    Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.

    To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.

    Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.

    I agree

    If the person who wrote the equation meant 2, he would need to rewrite the expression with () encompassing the entire denominator

    When dealing with equations, you can not guess what is implied. You have to use a consistent framework and follow it verbatim.

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  • Bonte
    Aug 7, 03:20 PM
    wow, it took a full three (3) posts till somebody complains about the GPU. that seems to be the only constant thing that survived even the intel transition.:D

    Are these specific Mac GPU's with Mac roms or can we finally use a selection of PC GPU's? If so then the base GPU isn't an issue, just use it for the second screen.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 09:57 AM
    Take that, fivepoint. Where has he been btw? Haven't seen him around here in a while.

    I'll bet he moved on to forums where his ideas were more warmly accepted.

    On the issues of taxes ... tax me more!

    Sure, tax the rich more too.

    But every American should be chipping in to solve the issues that we're facing.

    We're in the lifeboat, and the water's rising. Everybody pick up a pail and start bailing.

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  • Garrett Hedlund. Edgar Ramirez

  • davegoody
    Apr 27, 02:57 AM
    Some designs changes i'd like to see (all the rest i'm fine with):

    - Dust filters
    - Thunderbolt ports, front and back (instead of one of the firewire ports)
    - Usb 3.0 replacing usb 2.0 ports
    - PSU on bottom to keep it cool
    - HD's on bottom to keep them cool too
    - At least one dedicated SSD bay

    How exactly is a PSU at the bottom going to aid cooling? Heat Rises . . . . so anything above the PSU gets even hotter, this is why traditionally PSUs are at the top of the case.

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  • progx
    Mar 30, 06:16 AM
    Hmm. This seems like a pass for me. I'll wait for Apple's offerings through MobileMe this year because I'll have the iPhone 4 or 5 on Verizon by the end of the year.

    Then I can punt my piece of s*** Droid X to the curb. No more battery pulls and video that'll play NATIVELY ON THE DEVICE THAT RECORDED IT! Yes, the Droid X can't play it's own video back. Motorola's Droids Don't Do JACK.

    Amazon's new service will be good, but just like its video streaming options, just a little too expensive. I'm sure it will be a great service for the Droids and the price will eventually go down. Maybe they should look into a data farm.

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  • RKpro
    Apr 7, 10:15 AM
    I suspect THIS is why HP chose to use a 9.7" 4:3 display on their TouchPad tablet. When all of Asia is stamping out iPad screens it would be a lot easier for HP to acquire iPad panels, using the manufacturer's economies of scale, than to have them manufacture different panels alongside iPad panels.

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  • 3CCD
    Aug 4, 03:40 PM
    I'm excited to see what happens but since I'm in no crunch I'm waiting for the best time to buy. I'll wait till the new year if I have to.

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  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 12:03 PM
    I think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums. I forgot about the deadline today. That would indicate they may announce the new MBPs Tuesday as others have predicted already according to the student Free iPod offer deadline. Thanks for the reminder and good luck.

    Limey iPod deal ends October 7th :D http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore

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  • alongside Garrett Hedlund

  • vand0576
    Aug 11, 10:41 AM
    so once these are released, what are the chances if my MBP was broken Apple Care would replace it with a new Core 2 Duo one?

    Absolutely slim to none. When my 4G monochrome iPod broke down after both the releases to the iPod photo and iPoc 5G, I thought for sure I'd get an upgrade but it's not the case. I'm sure somehow they still have 4G ipods in stock. My guess is they hold them for two years after the last sale of the product, so that the applecare is meant to replace, not upgrade.

    No chance your computer will be simply replaced. They would work on it, not upgrade it. Intel still makes the chips, and remember Apple has to buy them in lots of 1,000. They have plenty.

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 21, 02:25 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/21/apple-developing-narrower-rackmountable-mac-pro-prototypes/)


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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 12:32 PM
    I joined Mobile Me (.Mac) in 2003 and haven't looked back.

    What I like:
    1. Amazing SPAM filtering (less than 25 SPAM emails since 2003)
    2. Keychain sync between my 3 Macs
    3. Calendar sync between my iPhone / Mac
    4. Bookmark sync between my iPhone / Mac
    5. Preferences sync between my 3 Macs
    6. Secure iChats
    7. Disposable email aliases
    8. Find my iPhone / Remote wipe (could be very handy)

    What I don't like:
    1. iDisk whenever I have used is painfully slow and unreliable
    2. iPhoto album publish is slow and unreliable
    3. Price

    Just my opinion and I intend to pay again this year if it's not free, if it is free I hope they maintain the good points and improve the bad points.

    mrzippy you bring up a great point. I've only got one Mac so my sync is generally going to my iPhone and iPad. If you've got a couple of Macs then

    Keychain sync
    Pref sync
    Dock items sync

    Would be a godsend. In fact I am getting a second Mac soon and thus I will enable those features to be sync'd.

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  • nastebu
    Mar 30, 08:18 AM
    Saying happy employees are good employees is an idiom, like a penny saved is a penny earned.

    Thank you for the English lesson. If I ever find myself in Arizona, I will be sure to enroll in your class.

    It's even funnier since "a penny saved is a penny earned" isn't an idiom at all. An "idiom," in this sense, is a group of words that has a meaning as a whole other than the literal sense of the words. "Raining cats and dogs" is an idiom. "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a proverb, or possibly a cliche.

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  • Plutonius
    May 5, 11:43 AM
    are we ready to move to the next room? anyone wants to split out for whatever reason?

    No reason to split. There is only 1 door.

    Jul 30, 08:21 PM
    Some rumors for the Verizon Chocolate (http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/cellphones/lg-vx8500-chocolate-to-verizon-confirmed-187461.php) suggest an AUGUST 7TH Release Date. That's the same day as the start of WWDC, when Apple's new products will be announced! Just a coincidence?

    Apr 25, 09:34 AM
    As many observers have noted, the iOS location database does not record exact GPS data, instead seeking to pinpoint the locations of Wi-Fi access points and cell towers that the device comes within range of, although the database does offer a clear general track of a user's movements.

    The bolded parts are key. The phone is simply keeping a cache of what towers and wifi sources are nearby, so it doesn't have to keep repeatedly doing the same searches over and over. It's like your Mac keeps a list of WiFi networks it has been connected to, so it doesn't have to ask you again the next time it sees them. Yes, that data can be used to point to roughly where you are, but it's not pinpoint accuracy like with GPS.

    I think the easy solution to all this is simply to have this consolidated.db file roll off the old data after a couple of weeks or so, rather than keep it around for months or years at a stretch.

    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    iOS is stale.

    They haven't made an significant UI changes since 2007.

    While Apple can continue to release a beautifully engineered and sleek phone, they need to focus on making iOS up to par with the features that Android offers.

    In terms of OS, the only thing iOS seems to do better is simply being more stable.

    I sold my iPhone 4 last month and bought an Android phone. The only thing I miss? The retina display and the Facebook app. I'm willing to deal with a bit of instability for the immense amount of extra functionality that Android offers.

    Aug 4, 11:54 AM
    You are the perfect consumer. "Must ... have ... bright ... shiny ... new .... thing", whether you need it or not. So what if apple comes out with a new computer every 6 months? If the one you have does what you need it to - why do you care? If your self-worth is tied up in having the latest computer, you just need therapy. And please don't blame Apple for your debt situation.

    I never said that I WAS going to buy one and I probably won't...I usually run a computer 3-4 years, except for my iMac G5 which turned out to be a lemon and that is why I have my Intel one now.

    Aug 11, 09:08 AM
    This is good news for future Macbook owners. I'm interested in when the iMac will get Conroe. A friend of mine is switching from Windows and wants the iMac but is waiting for Conroe in the iMac. I only hope they go with the desktop processor in the iMac and not Merom since he's not interested in the mobile processor in his desktop.

    Well, hopefully the iMac will be updated sooner than the portables. Conroe is out and available in quantities now where as Merom won't be as available in quantities until the end of this month.

    I'm pretty sure Conroe has no performance gains over Merom. Why is your friend opposed to Merom in a desktop? Merom is supposed to run cooler correct?