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Monday, May 16, 2011

black and white patterns for babies

black and white patterns for babies. Black Red and White Pattern
  • Black Red and White Pattern

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 05:23 PM

    well then, its a majority decision.

    R2T2: we move to the next room across the hallway

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • extraextra
    Jul 21, 03:02 PM
    Now all the MBP's need are new enclosures, and I'm sold!

    MB's aren't going to get Merom so soon because they've only been out for a little while (as opposed to the MBP's) and I think there needs to be a bigger differentiation between the MB's and MBP's.

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • SuperCachetes
    May 2, 09:04 PM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    Please tell me that's sarcasm. :rolleyes:

    I have a "feel" for Imperial measurements, and they are a pain in the ***.

    black and white patterns for babies. High contrast Black and White
  • High contrast Black and White

  • Eye4Desyn
    Mar 27, 08:13 AM
    1. Apple has yet to release any official sales numbers on iPad 2 - at least I haven't come across this anywhere (this would be a perfect piece of anecdotal information at the beginning of a media event)

    2. Phil Schiller said "white iPhone 4 coming spring 2011" (it's now officially Spring and we still haven't seen the white iPhone and therefore would make a nice 'Easter egg' with immediate availability also mentioned at the beginning of a media event)

    3. Apple has typically held iOS media event previews in April (not saying they would never break cycle, just stating the obvious)

    IDK, if I were a betting man, I'd say all signs still point to an April media event at which (during the beginning) SJ would announce official iPad sales numbers (for both U.S. and International launch weekends) as well as immediate availability of said white iPhone before proceeding to dive into some of the intricacies of iOS 5. Just my $0.02.

    black and white patterns for babies. Back to pictures of Baby
  • Back to pictures of Baby

  • fastlane1588
    Aug 12, 11:08 AM
    i think a new mpb w/Black Anodized Aluminum and an easy HD swap out capability would be awsome!

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • bretm
    Apr 5, 01:52 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It is completely legitimate to jailbreak your phone. But a good idea for scion to put in mice type that jailbreaking your phone may have unpredictable results and is not endorsed or recommended by apple or Toyota in any way. Just like the mice type for everything else on a car ad.

    black and white patterns for babies. Black white and more quilting
  • Black white and more quilting

  • MacinDoc
    Jul 23, 02:00 AM
    i think the macbook should get the chips with 2 MB of shared L2 cache,

    and the pro's get the chips with 4 MB of shared L2 cache

    There will be then a difference between the two models (is having 4mb of shared L2 cache a lot better than 2mb? i have no idea but i presume it is)

    or perhaps just let the blackbook have the 2.0ghz chip with 4mb of shared l2 cache to compensate for them charging for colour
    ...only if the Macbooks also get a price drop, because the Core Duo chips should get a price drop, if Intel even keeps making them.

    What everyone keeps forgetting in this discussion, however, is that the Core2 Duo chips will be considerably more energy efficient, reducing heat production and prolonging battery life. Considering that they will be introduced at the same price as the current Core Duo chips, why not use them in the Macbook, at the 2 GHz speed?

    Furthermore, transitioning all Macs to 64 bit chips as quickly as possible would also hasten the transition to a true 64 bit system, as developers would have more reason to develop for a 64 bit environment (assuming that OS X 10.5 is truly 64 bit).

    black and white patterns for babies. Black amp; white infant visual
  • Black amp; white infant visual

  • xfiftyfour
    Sep 11, 10:40 AM
    i'm trying to not get my hopes up on this one.. mostly because I expect that it'll just be the movie store, and that really doesn't excite me very much. I'm not the type to buy DVDs, or watch a movie more than once unless I have to.. so paying $15 for a DVD to watch on a small screen isn't as appealing as heading to my blockbuster and paying $4 to watch it once on my TV and then move on.

    But boy.. if a new iPod comes out.. I'm gunna have to go work the streets tomorrow night so I can afford one.. er. ;)

    black and white patterns for babies. Baby Nursery
  • Baby Nursery

  • puma1552
    May 3, 02:49 AM
    I'll preface by saying I'm an engineer, so I see the merits of the metric system.

    However, the reason I think Americans have such a problem with it is because there is no analog for one foot. You go from decimeters (which nobody actually uses) straight to a meter.

    It can be very difficult to get a feel for how tall someone who is 165 cm is.

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • MovieCutter
    Aug 4, 11:35 AM
    How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?

    Already sold my MBP 17" and my 20" iMac and are shipping them out this weekend...he he he.

    Then again, I have two reasons to have the latest and greatest shiny new thing.
    1) I have a terrible disease that causes me to do this.
    2) I edit everything from 30 second commercial spots to feature length documentaries and I need to have all the speed I can get.

    black and white patterns for babies. a lack and white pattern.
  • a lack and white pattern.

  • TigerWoodsIV
    May 6, 12:42 AM
    This would be a huge mistake. I could almost see Apple getting cocky and trying to pull it off again, but with the 3D chip technology announced by Intel the other day and the rapid pace they are innovating and shrinking chips while lower voltage in their planned chips, I think that if anything it'd be the opposite and Intel would move into mobile devices. ARM won't have anything on Intel's PC chips 2 years down the road.

    It's not like Intel is getting complacent. They are boosting performance and increasing efficiency at a very fast pace, and with the huge lead they already have over ARM in the PC environment, how is it possible that they would catch up?

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white designs.
  • lack and white designs.

  • SPUY767
    Apr 26, 03:19 PM
    I thought Android was a terrible OS, but I am still extremely impressed that iOS is where it is. Considering a lot of manufactures are using Android now, this is still pretty impressive iOS is able to be the second from the top on three devices iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, although the report does state mobile phone usage so it might just include the iPhone and not the other two i mentioned

    You do realize that this graph only shows the heavily subsidized phone market where an android phone can be had for free with a 2 year contract. When all iOS devices are considered, android is nowhere close.

    black and white patterns for babies. Creepy Patterns
  • Creepy Patterns

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 29, 09:29 AM
    wirelessly syncing my phone would be heaven


    black and white patterns for babies. love lack and white,
  • love lack and white,

  • ChrisA
    Nov 26, 09:31 PM

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I will pay up to $5,000 for an Apple branded Tablet Mac.

    You can almost have your $5K talet Mac today. Just get a Macbook Pro and one of these from Wacom
    and plug it into the MBP's USB port. OK the packaging is not so nice. So get a wireless interface between the Wacom tablet and the Macbook that you keep in your backpack.

    I think this is what Apple will release basically a "Cintiq" with a macbook inside. Kind of like an iMac is an LCD screed with a mac inside.

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • macaddict06
    Jul 21, 08:19 PM
    Has any laptop manufacturer announced a specific ship date for laptops with Merom? What was the turnaround time for the original MacBook Pros from the time Intel announced they were shipping the processors to the time Apple announced they were shipping the laptops?

    Yeah, CoreDuo was released at CES06, and then 3 days later (Friday release Mon/Tues Keynote, am I right?) Apple announced that it was in the iMac and the spanking new MBP. Turnaround was slow, about 5 weeks iirc. However, that was the first laptop to have an Intel processor in it, so that was the big part of the rush. Also, if the MacPro comes out, some prosumers will shift away from getting a laptop and just get a kickass Woodcrest-enabled MP. Overall, I should think that if it gets released at WWDC (MBP that is), it should be in our hot little hands by Sept 1. Any takers?


    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 01:53 AM
    I don't see that happening. Apple tends to avoid complicated product lines. That is one too many options in my opinion.

    How about the macbook pro or the iMac lineup?

    What happened to choice?

    I don't know if Apple would do it; but I;d like them to. :)

    black and white patterns for babies. lack and white patterns for
  • lack and white patterns for

  • mazola
    Sep 11, 10:22 AM
    I'm guessing it has something to do with this (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0284490/).

    black and white patterns for babies. Black and white patterns for
  • Black and white patterns for

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 11, 04:05 PM
    Where are you gouys seeing this?

    Go here...

    Down towards the bottom of that page for the MBP where you read all about the computer and what it does, there's a bolded subheading that reads "It's Showtime." IMac and Mac Mini are the only other systems that offer a similar description, but their description heading says "Put on a Show."

    That is a little odd, since they're basically all describing the same thing. Why would the MBP say "It's Showtime" yet the iMac and Mac Mini descriptions use "Put on a Show?" How long have these read this way? Is this old or new? Does it have something to do with tomorrows' event, or nothing at all?

    Hmmm... very intersting.

    Reaching? Coincidence? Apple being coy?

    black and white patterns for babies. pattern black white baby signs
  • pattern black white baby signs

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 16, 12:30 PM
    Flat taxes are always very regressive, basically the reason why this is a bad idea, is that the people it effects are mostly the ones who can't afford it. and the rich will just sit on their money and not spend a lot and not benefit the economy.

    I'd almost agree but if you look at the Forbes flat income tax plan, the plan has a very generous initial income exemption before the no-deductions flat income tax kicks in (somewhere between US$42,000 to US$44,000 for a family of two adults and two dependents). As such, that right there makes this plan progressive, since low-income households are no longer subject to income tax.

    And best of all, with essentially all those complex deductions, exemptions, credits, etc. no longer in the tax code, it means income tax forms will be simple enough that the whole thing for most taxpayers will be not much more than a postcard! :D Just the savings in income tax compliance costs would mean potentially hundreds of billions of dollars now can be used for more productive purposes.

    Chupa Chupa
    Aug 4, 12:45 PM
    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    Apple liked to downplay Mhz/Ghz because it knew there was no way the G3 and G4 PPCs could keep up with the P*. But when the G5 came along, what did Steve announce...that a 3Ghz chip would be ready in a year. Of course that never happened. The G5 never made it out of the high 2 GHz even three years after he made that statement. And THAT is the reason why we now have Intel Macs.

    Moreover, now that PCs and Macs use the same chips Apple HAS to use the latest and greatest chips to keep up. It's not really a matter of playing the Ghz game. That game is over now that there is chip parity. But the first thing a company like Apple that basks in it's "cutting edge"/"trendy" glow must have is computers with the best chips.

    Also, WWDC is about DEVELOPERS. Developers of software and hardware for all Apple products. So I think it's silly to limit speculation (especially since its all speculation) to only a few products. Theoretically every piece of Apple hardware is up for revision, not to mention possible new ones.

    Apr 26, 04:09 PM
    Yes I know that they operate under their parent group so what's your point? I salute you for having the ability to google that information.

    I didn't need to google, that's something I know.

    Which you obviously didn't since your argument was why Apple should worry about their market share when Ferrari and Porsche aren't. They should just continue to make exclusive products.
    I bet they worried right up and until they got bought by a company that didn't worry about making cheaper products.

    Mar 30, 06:16 PM
    Will this work on the 2011 mbp's?

    The seed note says:

    - Videos purchased from the iTunes Store will not play on Early 2011 MacBook Pro models.

    To me, that means it can at least be installed on the new MacBook Pros.

    Apr 7, 10:50 AM
    LOL! So Apple's ability to control a consumer market is a good thing? Tell me you're not that naive.

    LOL! I love it when someone calls someone else "naive" when the opposite is true just based on their statement! Funny isn't it?

    Apr 5, 02:36 PM
    2010 - Apple Loses #1 Mobile OS spot to Android OS
    2011 - Apple pisses off their JB customers and loses 10% more
    2012 - Apple loses #2 and #3 spot to Windows Mobile & HP OS

    Within 12 months Apple will own the same market share as their computers, 9% ... and it'll have been the same story: rose to glory, abuse the customer and business partners, people get sick of the rulebook and leave for more open pastures.

    This is all deja vu from the 80s repeating itself, wow.

    I dumped iPhone at xmas, now I'll likely dump iPad 2 if this trend continues. If they really push the washington involvement to stop jailbreaking, I'll get rid of my 3 iMac\MB Air\MB Pro... I don't support companies who attack me. They're here because of me, not the opposite. If they don't get that, adios.

    Let's see it that way:
    - Microsoft needs to pay cellphone manufactures to put their OS on it (Nokia)
    - Google pulls an "Apple" to avoid nightmare fragmentation and over-customization of providers and their lack of support for new OS versions (as already admitted by google)
    - Apple will still make tons of money

    So apple is a sure winner, google still has a chance but needs to change things.

    Also: I don't feel attacked by Apple ... I have more the feeling they still put good quality products out, invest in innovation that is copied by others and keep the carrier from putting crap on the device, which I see as a good thing.