Bobs and its diverse varieties are considered as the symbol of women’ liberty. Invented in Paris in 1909, bob hair had become widely popular only by 1920s. By 1970s, bob hair had also gained a good popularity among men’ hair fashion. In the 2000s, bob hair has found a great resurgence but almost lost its originality except the basic principle that specifies that weighted area of the hair should be left falling between ears and the chin.

Bob hair is essentially a type of short haircut and can be classified under various types and categories. However, in the current fashion scene, inverted bobs and angled bobs are the most favorite hairstyles due to several advantages. Primary benefit of inverted bob is its suitability to any type of face shape and age group. Inverted bob hair style is regarded as the most fashionable and appealing style. It is cut in such a manner as to keep the hairs stacked in the back adding volume and texture in the crown.