Some of the most attractive people are black models and athletes. Consider just a few of them out there. Tyra Banks, Beyonce, Dwayne Wade and the list can go on and on. Something though can definitely be said about these people and their exotic look. Hair styles have definitely contributed to their attractiveness.
Take for instance Beyonce. She is one of the best looking entertainers out there. What she has done is paid attention to her hair. It contributes to her beauty. She has put extra effort into a hair style that contributes to her look and that compliments her. Instead of just going with a standard hair style that you would see on an African American she did what looks best on her. She went with the hair style that looks good on her head. She did not go with the frizzy hair style that you see on so many black people. Instead she has straight gorgeous hair. Hair coloring lightens her hair color. She's a knock out for it. The same can be said for Tyra Banks.
Are you tempted to go with the hair style that everyone of your ethnicity is wearing? Don't do that. Instead take a look at yourself in the mirror. What does your hair want to do? What about your body shape? If you are a bigger person you may benefit from a shorter hair style. If you are slimmer a longer volumized hair style will probably work better for you.Also pay attention to the hair product you are using. Put nutrients in your hair that are going to make it healthy. Alcohol free hair products are best. Alcohol dries out the hair. You want instead a good moisturizer conditioner and shampoo.