(1) The diamond-shaped face: The width is in the center of the face. There is a narrow forehead, a narrow chin and wide cheekbones.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Hairstyles that touch the ears and curly short elegant hairstyles are recommended for this face shape.
(2) The heart-shaped (sometimes called the inverted triangle): The face is shaped like a heart with a full forehead, narrow cheeks and chin-line.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: A style with the fullness at the jawline and wavy bangs is recommended for this shape.
(3) The oblong or rectangle shaped face: The face is longer than it is wide. This face is usually narrow with hollow cheeks. The rectangle shaped face has a squared jawline.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Styles close to the top of the head which may include a fringe of curls or some bangs.
(4) The oval face: Approximately one and half times longer than the width across the brow. The chin is under the center of the forehead.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Most hairstyles suit this shape.
(5) The round face: This shape has a round chin-line and hairline. Usually with a low forehead.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Hairstyles that fluff the crown of the head.
(6) The square face: This shape has a square jawline and a straight hairline.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Styles with full sides.
(7) The triangle or pear shaped face: This facial shape begins with a small forehead which gradually widens until it reaches the jaw. The chin-line is usually wide.
Elegant hairstyles that suit this shape: Styles that are full and high above the ears.