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Friday, August 29, 2008

Bob Hairstyle

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Bob Hairstyle

The bob hairstyle originally became popular among women in the 1920s. The short cut was a symbol of the flappers, women who defined themselves by new freedoms. As with most fashions, though, the bob eventually went out of style. It popped again for a brief time in the 1960s, but did not regain widespread popularity until very recently.

Bob Hairstyle
Last year, stars like Victoria Beckham started cropping their hair short, and soon the bob was back. Today, it is one of the hottest trends and can be seen on women of all ages. Although the classic, blunt cut is still seen, there are also many new, modern variations on the bob. Most notably, there is the “pob,” which is essentially an inverted bob.

The hair in the front hangs longer than those in the back creating a distinctive angled look. Another hot trend is the cropped bob, which is a shorter take on the traditional cut. This daring style was recently adopted by starlet Katie Holmes, which helped it make a big splash on the fashion scene.

Bobs layers are also in style and add some volume to the ‘do. Razored ends are also a great way to add some edgy boldness to a classic bob.

Pictures: © PR PHOTOS

Hairstyles for Fine Hair

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Hairstyles for Fine Hair

If you have fine hair, you know how frustrating it can be to find a style that looks lovely and sexy. However, there are several great ‘dos that will look great on your hair. First, keep in mind that shorter styles help fine hair achieve more fullness and body. Layers also help fine hair look thicker and create some added texture around the bottom of your locks.

Hairstyles for Fine Hair
No matter what cut you choose, though, make sure you pick a good stylist to do the job. Fine hair is more prone to showing an uneven or jagged cut. Also, dark colors help fine hair look healthier than lighter shades. Adding highlights to dark color can add interest and dimension as well. Again, be sure you choose a qualified professional to dye your fine locks. Fine hair can be particularly fragile and harsh chemical dyes can do damage. Once you have the cut and color that suits you best, you will want to choose great styling products that can help fine hair look fabulous every day. Try to avoid using a blow dryer or other heated appliance as these can do damage to fine hair. Also, look for mousse and cream products meant to add volume. Avoid anything with a greasy texture, since fine hair shows oil easily. Finally, try not to brush hair too roughly or tie it up too tightly.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Short Hairstyles for the African Americans

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Short Hairstyles for the African Americans

It is not very difficult to style the hair of African Americans. They look great when they possess a short hair style. There are a number of short hair styles available for this kind of hair. It depends on the type of hair, for example Curly Hair or Straight Hair, etc.

Short African American Hairstyle

© Chris Hatcher / PR Photos
As the color of the hair of African Americans is black, it would be easier to style it as they can be separated without much difficulty. One of the best styles for Afro women is using a traditional bob style. You may also use fringes or bangs. You may have soft hair. For this type of hair, you may use hair gel to make your hair stiff and strong. You may also be creative in styling curly hair, as a number of styles are available in this category too.
Short Hairstyles for the African Americans
© Chris Hatcher / PR Photos
Afro men also have a variety of short hair styles to choose from. They can have a spike on their hair. They can even adopt a twist on their hair. This would look great as they have short hair. If the hair is very soft, they can use some gel to hold up their hair

© Janet Mayer / PR Photos

Monday, August 18, 2008

Shoulder Length Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Shoulder Length Hairstyles

Having shoulder length hair gives you some of the most versatile cuts for styling. Hair this length can be worn with or without bangs, angles, and layers. It can also be suited for any natural texture. The style you choose should reflect your personality as well as your facial features.

Shoulder Length Hairstyle

For example, if you want to soften your face shape, consider a medium-length look with fringe and layers. One of the most popular ‘dos created this way is a face-framing, medium cut with ends curled under and side swept bangs.

Shoulder Length Hairstyle

© Adam Bielawski / PR Photos
Hair cut this way is styled straight for a simple, chic, sophisticated look. If you want to go a bit more wild, a choppy medium cut with razored edges is quite popular. Regardless of how your hair is cut, the neutral length will allow it to be worn either up or down. This makes it extremely easy to go from casual to formal in a snap.

Shoulder Length Hairstyle

© PRN / PR Photos
For everyday, you can pull your hair into a ponytail or leave it down to flow freely. Then, when needed, you can transform your hair into a gorgeous updo for weddings, proms, and other special events. No matter how you wear it, a medium length cut is a safe bet for any woman who loves versatility and style.

Shoulder Length Hairstyle

© Adam Bielawski / PR Photos

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Benefits of Short Hair

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Benefits of Short Hair

Want to cut your hair short but afraid to make a big change? Before you let fear change your mind, consider all the benefits you get from having a shorter ‘do. For one, short hair is much easier to maintain than longer locks. It takes much less time to wash, dry, and style, which is especially useful for those with busy lifestyles.

Great Looking Short Hairstyle

You’ll also use less products to keep your hair looking great. This means less money spent on shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, and more. Short hair can also help keep you cool on a hot day. Having a lot of hair covering your neck is a recipe for sweat and discomfort when the thermometer rises.
Benefits of Short Hair
With short hair, you’ll never have to fight with a ponytail just to cool down. Going short is especially helpful if your hair is already over-processed or damaged. It will get rid of most of the visible problems and make your locks look healthy again. Finally, your new style will have the benefit of being infinitely versatile. If you do regret going short, you can easily add natural looking extensions to change your style. So, now that you know all the great things that come from short hair, are you ready to give this trend a try?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Boooooo, me.

I'm familiar with the expression, "what you eat in private shows up in public," and I'm definitely living proof.... But that didn't stop me from stealthily scarfing down two cupcakes in the kitchen while I waited for my Lean Cuisine to finish nuking just now. In my defense, it's Friday, and they were free. Free cupcakes! How could I possibly resist their sugary lure?

Compulsive, much? Color me embarrassed. Just when I think I've got my act together and I see the scale go down a pound, I do something like that just to make sure I maintain the status quo. It's like I have a mental block when I hit this particular weight area; every time I do, my body says, "Oooooh yeah, I like it here!" Totally bogus.

So, now I've outed myself as a closet cupcake-scarfer. Booooooo, Bev, boooo.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is it really possible to know thyself?

And no, I don't mean in the Biblical sense, so get your mind out of the gutter.

I am just sitting here, thinking about Jessica Simpson and another woman I know in real life who are, let's just say, a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket. No, it's not typical for me to sit and ponder Jessica Simpson, so I thought this might be blog-worthy.

It's a well-known (and documented!) fact that Jessica is not exactly the brightest star in the galaxy. She has said and done some wildly stupid things, and those are just the ones we hear about out here in nobody-land. Yet, she seems to think that she's actually smart, but just playing dumb. This is a head-scratcher for me. Is it possible that she's right, and we're all being duped into believing she's dense when in fact she's quite bright?

In the case of the woman I know, it is not possible that she is secretly smart at all. I've met her, I've gazed into those vacant and far-away eyes, and I know that she is definitely not smart. Nice, sure. Smart? No way, no how. However, she, too, thinks she is at least of average intelligence. She thinks she's on the ball, in fact.

So, this leads me to wonder, what if we're all dumber than we think we are? What if we all fancy ourselves to be of average or above average intelligence, when those around us think we're dumber than posts?

Scary, huh?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pull up a mousepad and get comfy

So, welcome to my brand spankin' new blog. I resisted the urge to start one for a long time, but today I decided that I might actually have a few things to say after all. Of course, I may be entirely wrong and you might all find that I'm incredibly boring, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

About me: I'm 33, married, with two small children. I work in an office of financial type folks, most of whom are tolerable, some of whom are not. I come from a small town in northern Vermont, and now live in a small town in southern New Hampshire. I don't care for cities, crowds, or traffic. I love the outdoors, but only if the insects are minimal and there's shade to be had... I'm a little high-maintenance when it comes to the great outdoors!

I'm a certified pop culture junky and am never at a loss for a good movie quote. It's a source of a kind of bizarre pride for me; it likely sprouts from the fact that in that small town I just mentioned, we got one television signal on the rabbit ears, but my dad was a forward-thinking dude and bought us two of the very first VCRs ever made. We taped every movie we rented for years and years and years (shhh, don't tell the Feds!). Our collection was massive - three movies to a tape, and I estimate about 90-100 tapes by the time the mid-90's and DVD players rolled around. We became well-versed on the classic 80's screwball comedies: Caddyshack, Vacation, Stripes, Airplane, Revenge of the Nerds, 16 Candles, and so forth. My dad, sister, and I would quote movies at any and every opportunity, and it was a habit that stuck. To this day, we aren't together long before a good quote comes out... perfectly timed, perfectly appropriate to the situation. It's a gift, really. :)

Dad also bought one of the first consumer video cameras on the market, which instilled in me a love for video production that lasts to this day. I had a brief run in local television production, which lead to streaming media/live webcast production in early the 2000's (well before any schlub with a webcam and an internet connection could put on a show for YouTube). Don't ask me how I ended up taking coffee orders and hearing about every missed page and hiccup the photocopy machine makes. I still haven't figured that out myself, and I doubt I ever will!

Anywho... that about brings you up to speed. I value humor and honesty above all things, so if you're funny and honest and honestly funny, this blog is for you!

kiss kiss,

Monday, August 11, 2008

For my daily laughs, I go here:


Holy Taco

List of the Day


What Would Tyler Durden Do

For a complete lists of the blogs I dig, check out the sidebar on the right!

All About Bev

Hi, my name is Bev, and I hate pants.

Sure, there's a lot more to me than that, but that's as good a starting point as any. I like quoting movies and TV shows, poking fun at celebrities, talking about my flair work, and most of all, I love to laugh. I also like to make others laugh, which is where you and Out of Bev's Head (OOBH) come in.

I have a crappy office job filled with annoying coworkers, but I put up with it because it allows me to do a lot of what I really love to do: write. I do a good deal of freelance writing work these days and I'm really thrilled to be embarking on a new, satisfying career. Now that I've started doing it, I realize that it is what I have always been meant to do! You can read all about my burgeoning writing career on my website.

I'm married to Jim, who teaches high school. We've been together for 14 years, which kind of blows my mind considering we're still so young and hip, damn it. He's a good egg: a sweet Deadhead who's a great dad to our two sons and treats his woman well. He's nice to me, too. ;)

And yeah, it's okay to joke about his bowl cut.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

My boys are my favorite part of life so far, even though they are little stinkers most of the time. I'm convinced that the act of raising children is the sole reason that wine was invented.

Speaking of booze, I may be in my thirties but I have not lost my desire or ability to have a good time now and again. My good times are fewer, further between, and better-planned now that I am a grown-up wife and mother, but I still get my freak on whenever possible. In fact, I am a firm believer in shaking your money maker, dropping it like it's hot, and generally gettin' jiggy wid' it. I think it's important.

I talk about my BFFs quite a bit. Mala and I have been friends since those TV production days I mentioned earlier. Thirteen years of friendship through good times and bad... and we've never once had a fight. We do love to whoop it up .

I met Laurie years ago at a book club meeting and somehow we stayed in vague contact until fate (and Facebook!) brought us together. Laurie is feisty and fun and we share a fondness for all things glossy and girly. She's a tough chick and someone I always want to have on my side.

It's not always beer & Skittles here on the OOBH but I do try to keep it upbeat for the most part. I love to make fun of celebrities and talk about music and pop culture. Oh, and I have a dirty mind, I'm not gonna lie to ya. I like talking about boobs (my own, in particular), sex, and TMI.

I'm glad you stopped in today. If you love to laugh, don't forget to read the comment sections for each post! If I haven't stopped by your blog yet drop me an email (bevtastic7 at gmail) so I can check it out!

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy what comes out of my head.


Short Messy Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Short Messy Hairstyles

There are a variety of hairstyles suited to short locks. One of the most popular is the purposefully messy look. This lively, sexy style is a great way to look confident in your short ‘do. Short messy styles look exceptionally good on oval shaped faces. However, they can be suited to virtually any bone structure. In most cases, they require locks to be left slightly longer than other cropped cuts. This allows for greater variation and movement.

Short Messy Hairstyles
Short, messy ‘dos can also be tailored for both straight and textured hair. For straight locks, short, choppy layers are necessary to achieve this look. Then, hair is straightened and tousled with a firm-holding product, like hair wax. In both cases, bangs are a great addition to the short, messy look. Side swept bangs create an angled effect that aligns with your desired style. Another popular option is bangs that fall straight but are of uneven length. This adds to your already asymmetrical look. Ultimately, the best part about these short looks is that they are so easy to wear and yet remain so sexy. All it takes is a quick wash, tousle, and go. One or two products may be added depending on your desires, but within minutes you can take your short locks from dull to lively with one of these carefree messy styles.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Asian Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Asian Hairstyles

The best Asian hairstyles are those that complement the unique features of Asian hair. Most Asians possess hair that is naturally dark, straight, silky, and shiny. This lends itself to a number of great ‘dos. Obviously, a sleek, straight look is the easiest to achieve.

Asian Hairstyles
By cutting layers, bangs, and razored ends, you can add some character to an otherwise typical style. Many choose to go this route to create an edgy, modern look. In addition to changing their cut, many Asians also choose to color their naturally black hair. Depending on personal style, colors can vary greatly. Most people opt for highlights rather than a complete dye job. Brown and blonde highlights add a natural touch and add some glow to dark hair. For a wilder look, though, many people choose bold colors like blues and reds. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to transform Asian hair into curls and waves. However, some new techniques are allowing Asian women to wear these styles. To create soft, flowing curls, a digital hot perm machine or S Wave Thermal Set can be used. These methods must be undertaken by a qualified professional as they can potentially damage locks. However, when done correctly, they can bring volume and texture to Asian hairstyles.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hair Care for Colored Hair

Short Hairstyles presents Hair Care for Colored Hair

Hair that has been color treated requires special care to maintain the new shade and prevent damage. The easiest thing you can do is switch to a shampoo and conditioner duo specially designed for color-treated hair. When you finish washing, avoid wrapping hair in a towel. This can do damage to locks that may be brittle following a color treatment.

Hair Care for Colored Hair
Skip the brush and comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb. This will prevent breakage and help you avoid split ends. If you use heated styling products, make sure you treat hair with a heat protecting spray first. Also, since color can fade in the sun, it’s a good idea to cover your hair with a hat or scarf when you are outside for a long period. If these accessories don’t suit your style, try using a color-protective leave-in conditioner. If you plan to go swimming, try spraying some purified water on your hair before you get in a chlorinated pool. This will help protect your color from the harsh chemicals in the water. Without special care, your gorgeous new color may fade too quickly, or, even worse, you could do damage to your sensitive locks.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hair Braiding Tips

Short Hairstyles Trends presents Hair Braiding Tips

Wearing hair in braids has been a popular style for centuries. However, there can be a big difference in appearance between a well-constructed braid and a poorly styled one. That’s why it is important to follow some basic guidelines and tips for braiding hair. First, if you want a thick, shiny braid, you will need healthy hair.

Hair Braiding Tips
Healthy hair is naturally strong and therefore can be braided more effectively without fear or breakage or damage. Additionally, locks that are in good shape have fewer split ends. This is important since the ends of your hair will be highly visible at the end of a braid. As for the actual braiding, the key to a gorgeous braid is symmetry. You want the braid to look pretty much the same for its entire length until it tapers at the bottom. To achieve this, you need to do two things. First, make sure hair is divided into even sections. Second, use an even amount of tension as you pull and twist hair. Also, braiding hair is easier when the locks have some mousse or gel added, or are not freshly washed. In the event that your hair does not come out perfect, you can use a small amount of hair gel to secure stray hairs.