Beyonce - Shoulder Lenght hairstyle

Before we get started, you are going to need straight hair. It doesn't matter if you have naturally straight hair or hair straightened with a relaxer, but the hair must be straight or else this will not work. From there, wet down your hair and separate your damp hair into small handfuls all over your head.
Popstars Hairstyle: Shoulder Lenght - Beyonce

You don't want the bunches too large as larger bunches will create larger curls or even waves. Bunches of hair no more than three fingers wide should do it.
Beyonce - Hairstyle

After your hair has been separated, simply use a large curling iron on your hair to set in large, soft ringlets by wrapping the hair around the hot curling iron for a couple moments until the hair is soft-set into place.
Popstars Hairstyle: Beyonce curls

Add a little hairspray to set the style and some shine spray for added glam and you'll be sporting that Beyonce shoulder length hairstyle in no time!
Popstars Hairstyle: Beyonce - Different hairstyle