Your skin is like a Rose:
To grow beautiful Roses you use the best fertilizer months before they bud.
For beautiful skin, bathe the cells deep within your body with the best nutrients possible... and Beautiful Skin will bloom.
Face lifts, chemical peels, microderm abrasion, and all other common facial treatments only work on the outside of your skin - But your skin has two sides! To maintain a youthful glow you need to take care of your skin from the inside as well.
The nutritional content of today’s foods is declining. Even organically grown foods. To get the nutritional content that was in an orange a century ago, you would need to eat eight oranges today! It is almost impossible to get optimal nutrition just from food alone. Our bodies are also subject to environmental stress from pollutants, pesticides, household chemicals, the sun, and even stress. Even most skin care and cosmetics have harmful preservatives and irritating chemicals, many of which are readily absorbed through the skin – This all takes toll on all your cells, your health, and shows in your skin.
But, if your cells and your skin have all the vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants available to repair any damage and fight off oxidative stress, then you’re cells will be stronger and healthier and this will result in healthier and younger looking skin.
In Today's Hype Drive World, How Do you Know Which Nutritional Supplements are the Best?
There is only one independent 3rd party scientific analysis of over 1500 supplements available in the US and Canada – “The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements”. Only one product has scored in the #1 position consistently over the past 8 years – That is the Usana Essentials.
We personally use and recommend Usana products. Aside from the #1 rating Usana products are:
- Manufactured to the highest pharmaceutical standards
- The only full line of nutritional supplements listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) for pharmaceutical drugs.
With optimal nutrition creating a healthy glow from the inside, you then want to use a complementary skin care line. Usana’s Sensé skin care line is the first full skin care line in the world to be free of harmful parabens, formaldehyde, and other chemical preservatives.
Ever wonder how the expensive department store products can sit on the counter for days in open containers and never grow mold? Lots of preservatives! Click here to read a shocking article from the Chicago Sun Times about the cancer causing agents found in even the most expensive skin care lines, but not in Sensé!
Sensé is free of irritating “Natural” preservatives used by other skin care lines such as grapefruit oil, etc. Just because it is natural that doesn’t mean it isn’t irritating or harmful – even poison ivy is natural…
Sensé has a daytime protective emulsion which protects your skin and you from the hazards of the day and offers SPF 15 protection from UVA and UVB rays. When you're sleeping is when your body rebuilds itself and when it needs the most nourishment. The Sensé Night renewal provides the proper nutrients to let your skin repair and rebuild – You'll awaken to a new you.
The entire Sensé line provides a unique science based approach to skin health.
About every 30 days the top layer is replaced with new cells. If you begin a regime of cellular health from the inside and the out side you will begin to see significant results in a month, and in 6 months you'll be amazed at the difference in your general health, and in the appearance of your skin.
I you are in the metro Denver Boulder area come by Bella Pelle Laser Hair Removal to experience the top rated skin care and nutritionals for yourself.