1. What is Your Hair Type?
Is your hair straight, curly, or somewhere in between? Do you have tons of hair, or is it a little thin? Your hair type can affect what style you choose. For example, if you have super curly hair, a bob wouldn’t be right for you, unless you want to spend countless hours in front of the mirror with a flat iron!!! Plus if it is humid that hair you just spent hours straitening will curl or frizz up in two seconds flat.
2. What Shape is Your Face?
The shape of your face is very important in determining which hairstyle works for you. Face shapes are commonly listed as oval, round, triangular, square, heart shaped, and oblong. Learn your face shape and pick a hairstyle which flatters that shape.
3. What Length?
Consider how long or short you want you hair to be. If it’s always reached the middle of your back, you could trim it to shoulder length to give your locks a break. But cutting it to chin length might require some smelling salts when your stylist is through. Do not do anything you are not ready for; you can always go shorter the next time. Also remember that pictures can sometimes be deceiving. What looks not so short on someone else, may seem super short if you are not used to hair that length. Also, keep in mind that extremely short hair works best with delicate faces.
4. Are you High Maintenance or Low Maintenance?
Not only should you think about how a hair style flatters you, also consider whether you have the time and skills to maintain your new look. If you need an hour a day, a blow dryer, a flat iron, and three kinds of mousse, but you have to be at work at 8 a.m., then maybe you need a more low maintenance look.
5. Hair Products
I know you are all going to hate me when I say this, but you have to use the right products to achieve the same style you received at the salon. I know none of you want to believe your stylist when they tell you this, but it is true. They are not just trying to sell you things you do not need. Do you have to buy everything they use on you? Of course not, but get the main ones that you could not achieve the style without. For example, if you have horriblely fine hair, invest in the Volumizer! If you just use the proper salon products, the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. A little time and a good haircut can go along way.