Maintaining short hair requires equal attention as it would require for maintaining long hair. Many people, both men and women, prefer having short hair thinking that they can easily maintain it and at the same time it looks pretty. But maintaining short hair always requires some extra care.
First and foremost step you have to take is to step into a saloon owned by a professional hair dresser. Only they can identify the right way to trim your hair. These professionals would have a good experience in hair dressing for different textures of hair. They are the right persons who know the fact that hair dressing for a person with curly hair is not the same as hair dressing for a person with straight hair.

Short hair styles usually require minimal amount of hair conditioners. The number of times you have to comb is also minimal. Some short hair styles don’t even require combing. But the thing that is to be kept in mind is that short hair styles require frequent trimming so that the pretty look of your hair style is maintained. Also make sure that you are trimming to the style that best suits you. Keep these tips in mind and maintain your pretty look with short hair styles.

Short Hair Care